This module helps manage AWS resources using the boto3 SDK. It is not idempotent and does not support check
mode but it does allow
one to include new AWS services in playbooks until CloudFormation support is provided or a custom Ansible module is written.
- python >= 2.6
- ansible >= 2.0
- boto3 >= 1.2.3
- importlib (only for running tests on < python 2.7)
Makes a call to the AWS API using the boto3 SDK.
> ansible localhost -m aws -a "service=ec2 method=describe_instances"
# Describe EC2 & RDS instances and create a security group.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
state: present
- name: "get EC2 instances"
service: ec2
method: describe_instances
DryRun: False
register: ec2_instances
- debug:
msg: "{{ ec2_instances }}"
- name: "get RDS instances"
service: rds
method: describe_db_instances
register: db_instances
- debug:
msg: "{{ db_instances }}"
- name: "create security group"
service: ec2
method: create_security_group
DryRun: True
GroupName: Boto3ApiGroup
Description: boto3 security group created via aws module
register: ec2_sg
- debug:
msg: "{{ ec2_sg }}"
- name: "Move AWS account"
service: organizations
method: move_account
AccountId: 123456789101
SourceParentId: 123456789102
DestinationParentId: 123456789103
convert_to_integer: no
register: aws_org
- debug:
msg: "{{ aws_org }}"
# Synthesize speech with AWS Polly
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Synthesize Speech
service: polly
method: synthesize_speech
OutputFormat: mp3
VoiceId: Joanna
TextType: ssml
Text: '<speak><prosody rate="medium" volume="medium" pitch="medium"><emphasis level="strong">Hi.</emphasis> I am your personal assistant. <break time="600ms"/>How can I be of assistance?</prosody></speak>'
register: speech_results
- debug:
msg: "{{ speech_results }}"
# Example showing how to create Application Load Balancer Target Groups by iterating through a list. Note support for the use of the 'omit' keyword.
- name: "Create ALB Target Groups"
service: elbv2
method: create_target_group
region: "{{ region }}"
Name: "{{ }}"
Protocol: "{{ item.target_group.protocol | upper }}"
Port: "{{ item.target_group.port }}"
VpcId: "{{ vpc_id }}"
HealthCheckProtocol: "{{ item.target_group.health_check_protocol | default(omit) }}"
HealthCheckPort: "{{ item.target_group.health_check_port | default(omit) }}"
HealthCheckPath: "{{ item.target_group.health_check_path | default(omit) }}"
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: "{{ item.target_group.health_check_interval_seconds | default(30) }}"
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: "{{ item.target_group.health_check_timeout_seconds | default(5) }}"
HealthyThresholdCount: "{{ item.target_group.healthy_threshold_count | default(2) }}"
UnhealthyThresholdCount: "{{ item.target_group.unhealthy_threshold_count | default(omit) }}"
Matcher: "{{ item.target_group.matcher | default(omit) }}"
register: tg_info
with_items: "{{ listener_item.rules }}"
Do the following to install the aws module in your Ansible environment:
Clone this repository or download the ZIP file.
Copy the *.py files from the library directory to your installation custom module directory. This is, by default, in
which is relative to where your playbooks are located. Refer to the docs for more information. -
Make sure boto3 is installed.