Tracks beens moving in and out from the hive, keeping track of arrivals and departures.
$ python [tags...] [file/files/directories]
"-V" or "--verbose" : Produces Verbose Output
"-m" or "--mask" : Show Masked Video
"-v" or "--visible": Show Source Video
"-l" or "--log" [filepath/file] : Specifies Where the Log Outputs. Appends the log file or creates a new one if a file with that name is not found!
"-al" or "--altlog" [filename] : Alternate logging option. Creates a log listing the file name, total number of bees counted (arrivals + departures), and the file size. Useful for file size analytics! Appends the log file or creates a new one if a file with that name is not found!
"-r" or "--remote" : Access Files Through FTP
"-t" or "--tracks" : Draw Tracks
"-c" or "--contours" : Draw Contours
"-b" or "--boundary" : Draw Entrance Boundary
"-B" or "--Bounds" [X][Y][HEIGHT][WIDTH] : Allows you to change the boundaries for the entrance manually. All parameters required. (X, Y) are the coordinates of the from the top-left corner of the video to the top-left corner of the entrance bound. (HEIGHT, WIDTH) are the height and width of the bounds. Cannot be specified alongside "-H".
"-H" or "--Hive" [RPi #] : Provides preset boundaries for specific hives based off of Raspberry Pi Number. Currently pre-configured for RPi 21 and 22. more will be added in the future Cannot be specified alongside "-B".
"-a" or "--auth" [filepath/file] : Access source files via FTP with info in given file.
"-f" or "--ftp" [filepath on ftp server]: Access a file on the ftp server without having to walk through files. Filepath begins with the rpi#. The Filepath continues from /beemon/.
-If "-B" and "-H" are not specified, the default bounds are X=200, Y=200, HEIGHT=100, and WIDTH=200.
-Will run on all .h264 files in a directory if given a directory.
-Will run on any number of files/directories given!
beet is designed to access a serve by ftp. Create a file named 'auth' in the source directory structured as:
The script will use this information to retrieve files for tracking.
With Anaconda3:
// Install opencv3
$ conda install -c opencv3
// May be needed base on windows manager
$ conda install asmeurer pango
$ cd source
$ python live [necessary tags] [file location]
The script will currently run in Anaconda2, but will not support it in the future.
-Fix FTP
-Add more preset hives
-Integrate better logging (include RPi #, date, time, and arrivals and departures)
-Automated operation and logging on an entire folder of video files
-GUI to replace command line utility
-GUI integration into the Beemon Utility