Read this in other languages: English, Русский
Chipmunk movies – SPA where you can save your favorite movies, track what's popular now and discover new films.
- 100 popular films on page load
- Favorite page where you can check your favorite movie list
- Movie details page where you can see movie information and recommendations based on this movie
- Movie search function
- Adaptive design
- Angular 9
- Angular Material
- Sass preprocessor
- RxJS
- Typescript
⚠️ Warning: it may take some time to install the app. If you just want to view the site, go to try it section
To install the app on your computer, you will need npm. You can download it from the official website:
Step 1. Download this repository
Step 2. Open src
folder using one of the terminals (for example, integrated terminal in VS Code)
Step 3. Enter these commands one at a time
npm i
npm start
- Add english version
- Add random movie function
- Add people/genres/TV shows search function