A pre-commit
hook to check commit messages for
Conventional Commits formatting.
Forked from https://github.com/compilerla/conventional-pre-commit
- Warns the user instead of failing
- Ignore default merge commit messages
- Ignore default revert commit messages
- Ignore default git flow Bump version messages
Make sure pre-commit
is installed.
Create a blank configuration file at the root of your repo, if needed:
touch .pre-commit-config.yaml
Add a new repo entry to your configuration file:
# - repo: ...
- repo: https://github.com/qustodio/conventional-pre-commit
rev: <git sha or tag>
- id: conventional-pre-commit
stages: [commit-msg]
args: [] # optional: list of Conventional Commits types to allow
Install the pre-commit
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
This tag differs from the orginal repo v1.2.0 in the following points
- Warns about a non-conventional commit beeing made instead of failing
- Ignores commit messages if they start with "Merged in " or "This reverts commit " in order to ignore merges or reverts
There are two main files to modify:
- conventional-pre-commit.sh is the script that is executed in order to validate a commit message, it receives a commit message file as input and an array of arguments that specify the commit types to use.
- tests.sh is the script that test this repo.
Inspired by matthorgan's pre-commit-conventional-commits