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Tutorials for Quantum Toolbox in Julia

tutorials Quarto Build

This repositories collects tutorials of different complexity for using quantum toolbox in Julia. The tutorials of the following packages are included:

How to build the tutorials locally ?

The tutorials are built upon Quarto.

After installing both Julia and Quarto, the steps to build the tutorials are:


All the following commands should be run under the root folder of this repository: /path/to/qutip-julia-tutorials/

First, render the files:

make render


set -a && source _environment && set +a # Load the environment variables
julia --project=@. -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.resolve();'
quarto render

Second, preview it on a local site:

make preview


quarto preview


You are most welcome to contribute to the tutorials development by forking this repository and sending pull requests (PRs) at the issues page. You can also help out with users' questions, or discuss proposed changes in the QuTiP discussion group.

For more information about contribution, including technical advice, please see the Contributing to Quantum Toolbox in Julia.