Releases: quxios/QSpriteEditor
Releases · quxios/QSpriteEditor
- Fixed an issue that would some times happen when dragging in the pattern list
- Fixed an error appearing when invalid save. Should now tell you why it couldn't save
If you already have QSpriteEditor downloaded (any version) you can just get the patch.rar
Copy the app.asar file in the patch.rar and paste it inside the QSpriteEditor/app/resources folder and replace the app.asar
Bug fixes
- cols, rows, speed should only accept full numbers
- anchorX, anchorY only accept decimals
- pattern should not accept double commas now
- cols, rows, speed, anchorX, anchorY stored as Strings and converted to Number when saved
If you already have QSpriteEditor downloaded (any version) you can just get the patch.rar
Copy the app.asar file in the patch.rar and paste it inside the QSpriteEditor/app/resources folder and replace the app.asar
- Version shows in help window
- Some changes to how textures are set
- Pose Properties doesn't get covered by pattern bar now
If you already have QSpriteEditor downloaded (any version) you can just get the patch.rar
Copy the app.asar file in the patch.rar and paste it inside the QSpriteEditor/app/resources folder and replace the app.asar