This project is inspired from trufflehog and the default basic search expressions are from trufflehog.
go-gitaudit is a tool written in golang. gitaudit searches in deep in the git repository commit history, in any branch or entire repository to find any thing you looking for like secrets or any passwords or aws key. The repository can be a git url or can be a local repostitory path.
- Uses golang go-git package
- In Memory search for master branch
- Configuration using json file.
- Branch wise search support.
- Faster, as search is done in parallel.
- Searches local repository
go-gitaudit is built using Googles golang and require golang installed in the system to run.
Dependency package
$ go get -u
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go install
$ go-gitaudit --giturl=<url> --rulesfile=<url/localRepoPath>
Usage :
-giturl string
git repository URL/local repository path
-rulesfile string
rules file path.
For json format refer file defaultrule.json.
Output format to be json (true or false). (default true)
-worker int
number of workers for parallel processing (max 10) (default 1
Basic command for go-gitaudit.
$./go-gitaudit --giturl=<url/localrepo> --rulesfile=<rulesfilepath>
go-gitaudit output format is by default json (only for a rule). To change
$./go-gitaudit --giturl=<url> --rulesfile=<rulesfilepath> --json=false
"searchoptions": [
"branch": "all",
"ruleset": {
"rulename": "DefaultRule",
"rules": {
"rule1": "regular[a-z]expression1",
"rule2": "searchstring"
"branch": "refs/remotes/origin/dev",
"ruleset": {
"rulename": "DevRule",
"rules": {
"devrule1": "regular[a-z]expression2"
- Add more features in trufflehog to go-gitaudit (entropy,...)
- write test cases
One of the issue encountered is, when a diff has more than 55K lines.This issue is not of 'gotrufflehog', its a package used go-git panics. More about the issue