A+ Films is a web application that offers users a wide variety of award-winning movies to watch on demand.
- Clone the repo down to your machine
- Open the root directory and run
npm i
to install dependencies - Run
npm start
in the terminal to open the webpage - Open a second terminal tab and run
npm run cypress
(while localhost:3000 is still running) to access the cypress testing for this app
In addition to the above repo running in your terminal, you will also need to follow the steps below to start the back end api that we created.
- Clone down THIS repo
- Run
npm init
- Run
npm i express
- Run
node server.js
to start the back end server
Please use the username user
to login
- Allows a user to browse through a list of movies, click on a single movie to view additional details of your selected movie, and watch trailers.
- A user is able to login and see which movies they have watched as well as what they rated that movie.
- A user is able to 'watch' a move by selecting the button 'Mark as Watched' and submitting a rating of that movie. The movie will then be marked as watched.
- React.js
- React Router
- Cypress Testing
- RESTful APIs
- Express.js
- Node.js
- Gain competency with React fundamentals
- Learn how to test React components & asynchronous JS
- Practice refactoring
- Create a multi-page UX using Router
- Full project spec can be found here.
- Built out a back end server using Express.js to send and receive user information for logging in and rating a movie
- Created additional features for a user to login, see their prior watched movies and ratings, and submit new ratings for other movies they watch.
- User can create an account with a unique username and password
- Embed trailer videos to watch / play the video in the browser