UC | Name | Description | Final Grade |
PROG | Image Manipulation | Command-based image manipulation tool for 8-bit RGB images in PNG and XPM2 format (C/C++) | 20.0 |
AED | Schedule Manager | CLI utility to manage LEIC student's schedules as well as retrieve information about classes, courses and years (C++) | 18.8 |
BDAD | Airport Management | SQL database designed from scratch to manage various data related to a single specific airport (SQLite) | 19.2 |
LDTS | Timeless Odyssey | GUI 2D platformer designed with custom-made sprites, smooth physics, consecutive levels and much more (Java w/ Lanterna) | 19.5 |
AED | Flight Manager | CLI graph-based system to display statistics and calculate best (filtered) flight routes based on a large dataset (C++) | 19.6 |
DA | Water Supply Management | TUI program to calculate the water flows in a complex graph network with Reservoirs, Pumping Stations and Delivery Sites (C++) | 20.0 |
DA | TSP | TUI implementations and benchmarks of different algorithms and heuristics for the Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP) with large datasets (C++) | 20.0 |
LTW | Trinted | Website for a second-hand marketplace with responsive, interactive and dynamically-generated webpages (PHP, CSS, Typescript, SQLite) | 18.6 |
ESOF | ECOnnect | Mobile social media application for environmental sustainability content featuring posts, likes, comments and follows (Dart w/ Flutter, Firebase) | 19.0 |
LCOM | MINVIM | Vim-inspired text editor with low-level device drivers: timer, mouse, keyboard, graphics card, RTC and serial port for collaboration mode (C) | 20.0 |
PFL | Functional Graphs | Functional programming approach to different graph representations, algorithms and data structures: DFS, Dijkstra and Held-Karp (Haskell) | 20.0 |
RCOM | Data Link Protocol | Data Link and Application layer protocol implementation with framing, timer, acknowledgements, stop-and-wait, retransmissions and byte stuffing (C) | 20.0 |
IPC | Watt Are You Doing | Prototype of Web application to monitor and analyze the energy consumption of different devices in a household (Figma) | 19.0 |
RCOM | Computer Networks | CLI application to download files using the FTP Protocol (C) and computer network configuration with multiple devices, switches and routers | 20.0 |
PFL | Replica | TUI implementation of the Replica board game with 3 levels of AI (random, greedy and minimax), user interaction and interface themes (Prolog) | 19.7 |
LBAW | ProGram | Social Media for programmers with authentication, administration, search, interactions, groups and notifications (Laravel, Tailwind, JS, PostgreSQL) | 19.2 |
FSI | CTFs and Logbooks | Collection of Seedlabs write-ups and Capture The Flag solutions: software, web, encryption and network (Markdown) | 20.0 |
Name | Description |
Scripts | Collection of custom-made shell scripts to automate frequent operations on my Linux system both project and customization related (Bash/Shell) |
Pong SDL | Implementation of the classic Pong game with CPU opponent, custom Makefile and some customization options (C++ w/ SDL) |
Dotfiles | Configuration files and backup settings for different software running on my Arch Linux daily-driver setup (AwesomeWM, Alacritty, Polybar, VSCode, Doom Emacs) |
Advent of Code | Solutions to Advent of Code challenges from different years with tests taken from the problem description (Python) |
LeetCode | Analysis and solutions to LeetCode problems categorized by theme and selected mainly from NeetCode150 and Grind75 (C++) |