How to run workflow mini-app on Polaris:
1). Install rct. Please make sure to use conda env approach since we also need an env that has cupy/h5py/mpi4py
2). Install darshan. Please make sure to modify the darshan code as explained so that it can be used to collect info. Also don't forget to install darshan-util
3). I currently use the following script on the login node to setup the env:
module load cray-hdf5/
module load conda
conda activate /grand/CSC249ADCD08/twang/env/rct-recup-polaris
which python
python -V
export RADICAL_PILOT_DBURL=$(cat /home/twang3/useful_script/rp_dburl_polaris)
export RADICAL_SMT=1
export PS1="[$CONDA_PREFIX] \u@\H:\w> "
export PATH=/home/twang3/libraries/darshan/bin:$PATH
Here "/grand/CSC249ADCD08/twang/env/rct-recup-polaris" is the conda env where I install rct, and "/home/twang3/libraries/darshan/bin" is the place where I install darshan. "RADICAL_PILOT_DBURL" is not necessary anymore with the latest rct
4). Go to the specific mini-app sub-dir, then do source
5). Go to launch-scripts to run the experiment. Before starting, make sure the parameters have been set up
6). Analyze the results. Some useful tools can be found in Analyze/
Mini-apps development repo
WF Mini-apps can be scaled and configured without application specific deployment challenges and constraints
WF Mini-app facilitate experimentation, understand workflow (distinct from application) performance
We develop 2 WF mini-apps:
WF1: Scalable Adaptive Learning Learning (ExaLearn)
WF2: DeepDriveMD
ExaLearn mini-app implementation:
- Task1: Data Generation
- Does a random matrix multiplication and prints the result to a file
- Task2: ML
- Reads matrices created by data generation and does a matrix multiplication
- For the next step will run a simplified ML algorithm that has 1-2 layers. -enTK implementations:
- Serial: DG1 -> ML1 -> DG2 -> ML2 -> ... -> DGn -> MLn
- Parallel: DG1-> (ML1, DG2) -> (ML2, DG3) -> ... -> (MLn-1, DGn) -> MLn
- Requirements:
- #Tasks: 8 ( 4 of each)
- Currently static, will be adaptive
- python executables
- # nodes: 128 (real app) Currently 1 for mini-app
- # cores: 64 per node
- # gpus: currently only CPU but will move to gpu soon (~128 per node)
- Has input/output dependencies
- Original ExaLearn Generates ~70GB of data during Data Generation and reads it during ML
- Data generated and read in the same node. No multi-node data sharing
- Systems: Currently Theta, will move to Polaris