Radix is a base theme for Drupal. It has Bootstrap 4, Sass, BrowserSync and Font Awesome built-in.
Read the documentation here: http://docs.radixtheme.org
Portal](https://www.drupal.org/project/apigee_devportal_kickstart) Apigee Developer Kickstart is a distribution to create an Apigee developer portal using Drupal.
Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration.
Open Academy is a Drupal distribution that brings the best in web publishing for higher education on a customizable Drupal platform.
Open Berkeley is a turnkey web platform solution for UC Berkeley campus websites.
The Open Restaurant distribution has everything you need to kickstart your restaurant website. It comes with a menu management system, a reservation system, a customizable blog and events management.
DKAN is a community-driven, free and open source open data platform that gives organizations and individuals ultimate freedom to publish and consume structured information.
SiteNow provides flexibility in authoring websites for various audiences.
- Project Page: http://www.radixtheme.org
- Documentation: http://docs.radixtheme.org
- Support: https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/radix