Activate and record the iOS Simulator or Android emulator to a .mov.
$ ./screen-recording ios /tmp/
$ ./screen-recording android /tmp/
Send SIGINT to stop recording. CMD+C on the OS X Terminal.
OS X 10.9
Xcode 5.0.2
- Builds a debug release (verbose logging) in bin/screen-recording -
- Builds a regular release (no logging) in bin/screen-recording
- AVCaptureScreenInput is used to generate the screen recording.
- Code from Square's Zapp open source project is used for finding window information and creating a croprect.
- Apple's ScreenShack example was helpful for identifying proper API usage.
- focusPid from the Amethyst project didn't work on Android and was flaky for iOS. Instead AppleScript is used to focus the window.