This repo lets you build and run a performance measurement and monitoring application. The first version, v1, demonstrates basic functionality in a minimal container image; v2 builds out more functionality, including the ability to publish statistics to CloudWatch. This version includes instructions how to publish an application to the Rafay platform, which lets you run it from one or many locations.
The app has three flavors:
- Standalone -- a golang app you can run on your laptop.
- Docker -- a container that you can run as a component in many locations.
- Rafay Workload -- the Docker container running in one or more Edge locations on the Rafay platform. (Coming in the full version of the app.)
If you want to view the simpler version without so many features, look at branch v1 in github, or
consider git checkout v1
if you clone it.
This application makes an HTTP or HTTPS request to one or more target URLs and collects overall response time data as well as detailed response time statistics.
Perftest is written in golang. Install and configure it using instructions at the link above.
If you don't want to install go
, you can run a pre-built version of
from DockerHub (see "Run from Docker" below).
If you want to build and run perftest in a container you will need the Docker environment. If you have golang you can still build and run a standalone version.
Clone this repo.
- Use "gmake standalone" to build the local standalone app.
- Use "gmake docker" if you want to build the docker image.
Once you've built the app you can run it in one of two ways, standalone or as a docker. The application takes the following command line usage:
Usage: perftest [flags] URL ...
URLs to test -- there may be multiple of them, all will be tested in parallel.
Continue to issue requests every $delay seconds; if delay==0, make requests until interrupted.
Can stop after some number of cycles (-n), or when enough failures occur, or signaled to stop.
Can send an alert if desired if total response time is over a threshold.
Supported alerting mechanisms:
- Twilio (requires account ID and API key in shell environment)
The app behavior is controlled via command line flags and environment variables.
See (Configure Workload section below) for a description.
Command line flags:
-A int
alert threshold in milliseconds
-M int
minimum time interval between generated alerts (seconds) (default 300)
-V be more verbose
-W string
Webhook target URL to receive JSON log details via POST
-c Publish metrics to CloudWatch (requires AWS credentials in env)
-d int
delay in seconds between test requests (default 10)
-f int
maximum number of failures before process quits (default 10)
-j write detailed metrics in JSON (default is text TSV format)
-n int
number of tests to each endpoint (default 0 runs until interrupted)
-p int
run web server on this port (if non-zero) to report stats
-q be quiet, not verbose
-v be verbose
Standalone: To run a test from the command line: cmd/perftest/perftest -n 5
. You
will see output like this:
# timestamp DNS TCP TLS First LastB Total HTTP Size From_Location Remote_Addr proto://uri
1 1554917703 24.168 14.607 127.732 61.524 1.333 209.282 200 12051
2 1554917713 1.374 14.204 49.462 59.318 1.995 125.206 200 12017
3 1554917723 1.265 14.341 52.774 63.336 3.908 134.661 200 12052
4 1554917733 2.007 17.288 56.195 65.746 1.727 141.187 200 12000
5 1554917744 19.876 12.394 56.910 73.899 2.003 145.440 200 12040
Recorded 5 samples in 41s, average values:
# timestamp DNS TCP TLS First LastB Total HTTP Size From_Location Remote_Addr proto://uri
5 41s 9.738 14.567 68.615 64.764 2.193 151.155 12032
Each line has a request count (1..5), the epoch timestamp when the test started, and the time in milliseconds measured for the following actions:
- DNS: how long to look up the IP address(es) for the hostname
- TCP: how long the TCP three-way handshake took to set up the connection
- TLS: how long the SSL/TLS handshake took to establish a secure channel
- First: how long until the first byte of the reply arrived (HTTP response headers)
- LastB: how long until the last byte of the reply arrived (HTTP content body)
- Total: response time of the application, from start of TCP connection until last byte
- HTTP: response code returned from the server; 500 indicates a failure to connect
- Size: response size in content bytes received from the upstream (response body, not headers)
- From_Location: where you said the test was running from (REP_LOCATION environment variable)
- Remote_Addr: the IP address hit by the test (may change over time, based upon DNS result)
- proto://uri: the request URL (protocol and URI requested)
The final section provides the count of samples, the total time, and averages for the above values. If you test to multiple endpoints you'll see multiple sections as each completes.
Interestingly, in the example above we see the remote address changed in the last sample, following a DNS resolution. Each test makes a DNS query; most of them return quickly from cache, but the last one fetched a fresh answer -- and it changed.
Docker: To run the containerized app you can say "gmake run" from the command line, which will
build the docker image (if needed) and run it out of the local docker repo with default arguments.
You can modify the arguments in the Makefile, or use a variant of its docker run
directly from the shell. You'll see similar output as above.
In addition to command line arguments, the docker version can also read the following environment variables to control application behavior. They are documented below under Configure the Workload.
A recent version of perftest
is available in the DockerHub and Rafay registries as noted below.
You can fetch it from public DockerHub to your local system via docker pull rafaysystems/perftest
if you prefer not to build from source. Or you can just run it using a command line like the one
in the Makefile:
docker run --rm -it -e PERFTEST_URL="" -e REP_LOCATION="Your Town,US" rafaysystems/perftest:v5 -n=5 -d=2
This example also shows how the application picks up values from the environment. This will be useful as we build out the edge application.
If you want to push it to your DockerHub repo, you can gmake push
. This
requires the following environment variables:
export DOCKER_USER="your docker username"
export DOCKER_EMAIL="the email address you registered with DockerHub"
You will need to login to DockerHub to establish credentials:
docker login --username=${DOCKER_USER} --email=${DOCKER_EMAIL}
Supply your password if/when prompted.
Now you can gmake push
to upload the docker to DockerHub.
If you don't want to build your own local copy, but you have docker installed, you can just run a pre-built version from there using a command line similar to this:
docker run rafaysystems/perftest:v5 -n 5 -d 1
The above is available with the v1 functionality. Let's look now at how to create and manage a containerized application on the Rafay platform. For more info check out our recent blog post and web site. The Rafay platform lets you run a containerized app in one or many locations easily. Our locations run Kubernetes clusters but you don't have to be a Kubernetes expert to run containers on them. We handle the cluster setup and management details.
First, you should build the docker container with make docker
. You don't
need to push it to DockerHub, you will publish it to the Rafay registry via
a CLI tool we provide.
To run a workload on the Rafay Platform you will need to sign up for an account (they are free) and then configure the workload to run on one or more edges.
The product documentation has more
information about how to sign up and use the platform. Here we provide a quick
start to get pingmesh
up and running.
First, Go to the Rafay Admin Console. To create an account, click Sign Up. You'll get an email back from Rafay Operations when the account is approved.
Next, login to the Rafay Admin Console to get started configuring your application.
To publish a workload you'll need to download the Rafay CLI (command line interface) utility. You only need to do this once, you can skip the next step if you've got it already...
First you will need credentials in order to push workloads to the platform. Go to Users in the left navigation bar on your username row click the dots to the right and select Manage Keys. Create New API Key and New Registry Key and copy the values for use later. (There is no way to retrieve the Secret Key values. If you lose a secret you must create a new one.)
Go back to Users and click Download CLI to get the tool. Extract the rafay-cli binary from the tar file and remember its location.
bunzip2 -c rafay-cli-darwin-amd64.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
Now initialize the rafay-cli and provide the following values at the prompts.
rafay-cli init
Enter API key: your API Key from the API key create dialog Enter API secret: your API Secret from the API key create dialog Enter Rafay username: your username from the Users page Enter Rafay registry secret: your secret from the registry key create dialog Enter Rafay organization label: your organization label from the registry key create dialog
You should see a message like
Rafay CLI environment successfully initialized. Config file generated at (/Users/jad/.rafay/cli/config).
Now you're ready to use the CLI tool.
Build the container, if you haven't already, with make docker
Then upload it to the Rafay Admin Console as follows.
$ make rafay-push
docker tag perftest perftest:201907251331 # tag local image name with timestamp
rafay-cli image upload perftest:201907251331
Uploading Image 100 / 100 [==========================================================] 100.00% 5s
Login Succeeded
The push refers to repository []
e1e8e05fa263: Preparing
57d960c31f45: Preparing
23f7bd114e4a: Preparing
23f7bd114e4a: Layer already exists
57d960c31f45: Pushed
e1e8e05fa263: Pushed
201907251331: digest: sha256:a0f8645b6f26b4f95a9203a3dc8e13cfcebafd2d6651737efa778f46ed921ff9 size: 949
Successfully uploaded the image:
Please use the above image name in your workloads.
Remember the image label above for the next step for the container configuration dialog.
Once logged in to the Admin Console go to the Workloads page and click New Workload. Enter a name, and description, like this:
Field | Value |
Name | my-perftest |
Description | Performance testing application |
I am creating this in my organization's default namespace, Jade-systems. Your org name will populate in the Namespace box, you don't need to do anything with this for now.
The next screen lets you configure your container. Click on New Container.
The Container Name is perftest
Choose the image name and tag name from above.
This image does not use any ports, you can leave the default port 80 there.
Select a size and initial replica count. The micro size is fine for this app, and there should only be one replica.
Now select the Startup Configuration section. This is where we'll specify what test we are going to run and where to send the output.
Click Add Startup Configuration and select Environment Variable. Fill in with values like this, clicking Add Startup Configuration as needed:
Name | Value | Comments |
PERFTEST_URL | | URL for the app to test |
REP_LOCATION | City,CC of the server | Sent to CloudWatch and to stdout (CC is ISO country code) |
PERFTEST_LIMIT | Number of tests | Overrides the -n option (env var has precedence) |
PERFTEST_DELAY | Time between requests | Overrides the -d option (env has precedence) |
AWS_REGION | your AWS preferred region | CloudWatch region |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | your AWS access key id | CloudWatch credentials |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | your AWS secret access key | CloudWatch credentials |
HTTP_JSON_WEBHOOK | JSON webhook URL | perftest will post JSON PingTimes here |
PERFTEST_LISTEN_PORT | TCP server port | perftest will respond to /memstats requests |
If you leave these marked Secure they will not appear in the UI and will be transmitted securely to the Rafay platform.
Click "Save and Return to Container List".
You will see selections for log aggregation, shared volumes, and a key-value store. This application doesn't need any of that so let's move on ...
Click "Save and go to Policies".
The next screen lets you choose how to upgrade the container when a new one
is published. We support Recreate (the default) which kills the running
container and starts a new one. This is fine for perftest
, but for a
container with user interaction you may prefer a gentler upgrade policy.
Click "Save and go to Placement".
Now we choose where to run the application. You'll see "Specific Locations" in the dropdown and a list of cities to choose from. We also support a "Performance" policy if your container takes user requests: we can place it near the user base for that workload, automatically adjusting placement as the situation changes. But for this workload we just choose one location and try it from there.
Click "Save and go to Publish" for the final step.
Click "Publish". You will see a pin bouncing at the location you specified. It will turn green in a minute or so if deployment succeeds.
When you're done, click "Unpublish" to stop the workload running.
Or you can change the runtime configuration settings (environment variables) if you want to test a different target. Or change Placement if you want to test from a different location. Then go back to the Publish page and click "Republish".
If you change the application code or Dockerfile you should update VERSION
in the Makefile, rebuild the docker, and upload it again with rafay-cli
using the new version tag, instead of ":v2" as specified above.
You can find more detailed configuration instructions in our Quick Start guide for this and other scenarios. You'll need Rafay credentials to pull up zendesk content at this time.
If the workload fails to place, try running it locally, for example (assuming you are now at v3):
docker run perftest:v3 -v -n 5 -d 1
If it runs OK locally, click Debug and then "Show Container Events" to see what happened we tried to load the container. And look at the logs to see if the application encountered an issue. You can also get a shell to try out the application locally. (The shell does not work in firefox, so use chrome or safari for this feature.)
I was curious how much memory I was using in my workload, and if I had a
memory leak. Debugging this in a docker is not so easy (especially a
minimal one), and doing so in multiple locations is even harder. So I
added a simple web server function to my application to return memory usage
information using the golang runtime.MemStats
Docker version v5 includes this new port flag. Here's an example, using a not-so-random port, testing against google every 30 seconds:
docker run -p 52378:52378 perftest:v5 -d 30 -p 52378
Now view memory stats by pointing your browser to localhost:52378/memstats
. If
it's not there make sure you used both -p options above with the same port. (The
fist -p argument tells docker run
to connect the container port to the outside
world. The second one tells perftest
what port to listen on. They must agree.)
There are a couple ways to see what is happening.
First, click "Debug". You will see the stdout of the container, which looks similar to what you saw running it locally. You can save the stdout log using the download link (arrow icon).
If you configured the AWS environment you can also view it in your AWS CloudWatch instance.
- Login to your AWS console (the one that corresponds to AWS credentials you entered into the Rafay console).
- Navigate to CloudWatch Metrics, look for the
Http Perf Demo
namespace, select all metrics, and watch the data roll in. - You may want to filter by response code 200 (HTTP OK). I also like to set the Y axis Min value to zero (in tab "Graph options"), and prefer the median (p50) or p10 Statistic (in "Graphed metrics" tab).
You'll note that the Rafay workload picks up a location label automatically from the environment: we put REP_LOCATION, and a few other items, into the shell environment of every container. You can see them by running a go-httpbin testapp we also provide (at the /env/ endpoint of httpbin).
With the tool running you can spot long term trends and interesting anomalies.
The following CloudWatch graph shows perftest
running in 11 locations on the
Rafay sandbox network. The graph shows the p95 metric (95th percentile of the
response time metric) in 5 minute buckets across 12 hours.
The observations and questions I draw from this include:
- What happened at 09:00? The response time degraded across all locations
at that time. A CloudWatch alert can help notify when such things occur. And
can send alerts directly as well (see the usage message). - Looking at the general trend we can see the difference in response time by location. Australia is always over 1 second page response time, while Atlanta is almost always below 100 msec.
Looking at the p10 (10th percentile) metric shows the best 10 second sample across each 5 minute period. See the image below. This adds some insights.
- The 09:00 spike did not last all five minutes. It was transient.
- Reponse time is nearly flat in every geography. This informs us about the network latency that drives baseline performance. At the p10 we clearly see a period of time wehre Melbourne performance improves measurably.
Combined with alerts and log collection from the container you can dig into the questions remaining in the basic metrics. I hope the tool helps if you are on the path of a performance analyst as I have been many times.