A scroll pager similar to the one in Flipboard. The control creates a tabbar given a title or an image, and has the option of connecting to a UIScrollView to automatically present given views and manage paging between these views
Drag and drop a UIView into storyboard or xib.
OPTIONAL: If you like to use a scroll view assign the outlet to a scrollView.
###Tab with text
scrollPager.addSegmentsWithTitles(["Home", "Public Feed", "Profile"])
###Tab with images and views (will automatically add paging to scrollview and displays the views accordingly)
("Home", firstView),
("Public Feed", secondView),
("Profile", thirdView)
###Tab with images
UIImage(named: "envelope")!,
UIImage(named: "home")!
###Tab with images and views (will automatically add paging to scrollview and displays the views accordingly)
(UIImage(named: "envelope")!, firstView),
(UIImage(named: "home")!, secondView),
(UIImage(named: "anotherImage")!, thirdView)