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Edit lesson pages

Mika Tompuri edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 8 revisions

This page explains the general flow of creating / editing content on lesson pages.

Before you can edit lesson pages, you need to create them: See instructions on the Add chapter and lesson pages.


  • Lesson pages consist of content blocks, such as headings, text, images and exercises.


  • To see a list of all available blocks: In the bottom right corner of the screen, in the Toggle view menu, select Add block / All available blocks.


Frequently used blocks

The following blocks are often used to create course materials:

  • Heading: Add headings to your page. Use heading sizes consistently: Start with the largest and use smaller ones for subheadings hierarchically.
  • Paragraph: Add paragraphs of text to your page. You can change the style of the text (italic, bold) or insert hyperlinks through the tool ribbon.
  • Image: Add images to your page. See Image guidelines wiki page for guidelines.
  • Exercise: Add exercises to your page. See Exercise types wiki page for a list of different exercise types.
  • Youtube or Vimeo block: Embed videos to your page.
  • Learning Objective Section: Add a list of learning objectives for each content page.

Adding blocks

There a few different ways to add blocks:

Add block button.


Through an existing block

  1. Highlight an existing block by clicking it
  2. Click on the "..." icon and select Insert before or Insert after


Rearranging blocks

  1. Click a block to highlight it.
  2. In the tool ribbon,
  • use the up and down arrows to move a block one step up or down, OR
  • use the dotted icon to drag and drop the block.


Deleting blocks

  1. Click a block to highlight it.
  2. Click on the "..." icon and select Remove


Save or discard changes

  • To save changes you have made to a page: Click on the Save button in the bottom right corner.
  • To discard changes you have made after the previous save: Click the Reset button in the bottom right corner.
