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A decentralized token trading platform built with Solidity, Hardhat, and Web3.js. The platform allows users to buy and sell WRT tokens with ETH through a simple and intuitive interface.

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WindRanger Token (WRT)

A decentralized token trading platform built with Solidity, Hardhat, and Web3.js. The platform allows users to buy and sell WRT tokens with ETH through a simple and intuitive interface.


  • Buy and sell WRT tokens with ETH
  • Real-time price updates
  • Transaction history tracking
  • MetaMask wallet integration
  • Price chart visualization
  • Responsive web interface

Project Structure

├── contracts/               # Smart contracts
│   └── WindRanger.sol      # Main token contract
├── frontend/               # Web interface
│   ├── services/           # Frontend services
│   │   ├── blockchain.service.js  # Web3 integration
│   │   ├── chart.service.js       # Price chart handling
│   │   └── ui.service.js          # UI management
│   ├── app.js             # Main application logic
│   ├── config.js          # Configuration and ABI
│   ├── index.html         # Main HTML file
│   └── styles.css         # Styling
├── scripts/               # Deployment scripts
│   └── deploy.js          # Contract deployment
└── test/                  # Contract tests
    └── WindRanger.test.js # Contract test suite


  • Node.js v14+ and npm
  • MetaMask browser extension
  • Git

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd WindRanger
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start a local Hardhat node:
npx hardhat node
  1. Deploy the contract:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
  1. Update the contract address in frontend/config.js with the deployed contract address

  2. Start the frontend server:

npm run frontend
  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

Smart Contract

The WindRanger token contract (WindRanger.sol) implements the following functionality:

  • ERC20 token standard
  • Buy and sell tokens with ETH
  • Transaction history tracking
  • Contract balance management

Key Functions

  • buyTokens(): Purchase WRT tokens with ETH
  • sellTokens(uint256 amount): Sell WRT tokens for ETH
  • getTransactions(uint256 start, uint256 limit): Get transaction history
  • getContractBalance(): Get contract's ETH balance


The frontend is built with vanilla JavaScript and Web3.js, providing a clean and responsive interface for interacting with the smart contract.


  • BlockchainService: Handles Web3 integration and smart contract interactions
  • UIService: Manages the user interface and event handling
  • ChartService: Handles price chart visualization using Chart.js


  • Real-time price updates
  • Transaction history display
  • Price chart visualization
  • Wallet connection management
  • Buy/sell token interface
  • Network switching support


Run the test suite:

npx hardhat test


  1. Make changes to the smart contract
  2. Run tests to ensure functionality
  3. Deploy the contract to local network
  4. Update frontend configuration
  5. Test frontend interactions


The platform supports the following networks:

  • Local Hardhat Network (for development)
  • Ethereum Mainnet (future deployment)
  • Other EVM-compatible networks (configurable)


  • ReentrancyGuard implementation
  • Input validation
  • Balance checks
  • Error handling


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


A decentralized token trading platform built with Solidity, Hardhat, and Web3.js. The platform allows users to buy and sell WRT tokens with ETH through a simple and intuitive interface.






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