Task from bigApp
Available API end points :
POST http://localhost:portNumber(default : 3000)/register - register users
Possible params(body) : { "email" : "email acc", "password" : "password", "role" : "ADMIN"/ "USER" (default : "USER"), "userName" : "name" }
POST http://localhost:portNumber(default : 3000)/balanced - perform balanced/unbalanced operation
Possible params(body) : { "data" : "insert paranthesis" (eg : "[()]") }
GET http://localhost:portNumber(default : 3000)/users - get Users(Only works for admin users)
DELETE http://localhost:portNumber(default : 3000)/users/userId - delete User(Only works for admin users)
Folder Structure:
| index.js
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| tree.txt
| launch.json
| config.js
| adminController.js
| userController.js
| auth.js
| Account.js
| Balanced.js
config.js : It consists of port on which the server should run and the name of the mongodb connection
index.js : Our program starts from here. It consists of middlewares to use and imports routes
routes.js : It consists of all the routes(Api end points) provided by this project
admin_routes.js : It is the extension of route function from routes.js for admin routes
user_routes.js : It is the extensiion of route function from route.js for normal users
controller : This folder consists of the mongodb operations on the collections
admin_controller.js : It consists of all the functions directed from admin_routes.js
user_controller.js : It consists of all the functions directed from user_routes.js
Model : It consists of all the collections and their models required for the project.