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Monitor and control your ABL-Wallbox with an WEB-Application and integrate it in your homeautomation software with simple REST-Interface

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ABL-Wallbox WebControl



Monitor and control your ABL-Wallbox with an WEB-Application and integrate it (optional) in your homeautomation software with simple REST-Interface (see example for DOMOTICZ below) for less than 10€.

'Virtual' consumption for ABL-Boxes without phase current sensor

For (new) ABL-Boxes without internal per phase current sensor, the current could "pre-measured" external and defined in the APP-configuration per Imax setting. So it it possible to have a "poor man's" power and consumption measurement. If you charge every time the same car, the typical power for a defined Ipwm is near to the real measurement with a current-sensor, but that has also an error, because the voltage 'U' for power calulation (P=U*(I1+I2+I2) is not measured. I get the power from my "offical" smartmeter and set them into the config-file.

If the Box has a current-sensor it was automatic detected and the value is calculated based on the current sum of the 3-phases...For future versions it would be possible to expand the software to get the power or current over the WEB-API from an external meter.

Manual Charge-Current-Setting

The user interface was designed very simply to enable manual switching between two charging currents (possible application: reduced charging current for operation with a PV system). The two values could be individual defined in the 'config-data' page (for external setting use the WEB-API)

External Charge-Current-Setting and reading values (WEB-API)

With the WEB-API the state and consumption values of the Wallbox could be monitored and charge-current could be set from 6A up to 16A in external applications like homeautomation software.

Fetch aktual Values and State


Receive: 8.00,0.00,A1,0.00,103980

decoded: <Imax [A]>,<aktual Power [kW]>,<Status>,<aktual Work [kW/h]>,<Sum Work [W/h]>

Set value Imax

http:<your-ip>/fetch?imax=xx (xx= 6,8,10,12,14,16)

Domoticz Integration

...see above 'WEB-API' for other external integration (e.g. other homeautomation software)


Example LUA polling script for Domoticz (abl_polling.lua)

-- parser handling data with the following format
-- A test with curl would be : curl -X POST -d "28,48,2" ''

-- This function split a string according to a defined separator
-- Entries are returned into an associative array with key values 1,2,3,4,5,6...
local function split(str, sep)
 if sep == nil then
  sep = "%s"
 local t={} ; i=1
 local regex = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
  for str in str:gmatch(regex) do
   t[i] = str
   i = i + 1
 return t

-- Retrieve the request content
s = request['content'];

-- Split the content into an array of values
local values = split(s, ",");

-- Update devices 
-- ACHTUNG: Index beginnt in LUA mit 1

--                    xx  mit aktueller IDX anpassen
--                    vv
domoticz_updateDevice(63,'',values[1]) -- Imax
domoticz_updateDevice(65,'',tonumber(values[2])*1000) -- Watt !!
domoticz_updateDevice(62,'ABL-Status',values[3]) -- Status-String
domoticz_updateDevice(66,'',values[4]) -- kW/h
domoticz_updateDevice(67,'',values[5]) -- W/h SUM

Additional functions (Setup) in Web-Interface

  • CONFIG-DATA: set and store parameter and WiFi-credentials and the the "Quick-Set charge-current"

  • EVENT-LOG: Serial debug logging

  • OTA-UPDATE: Software update (Over the air software update)

  • HISTORY: Set and Store total kW/h sum in internal FLASH

  • V.1. NEW: calulate consuption for ABL-Boxes without internal phase-current-sensor


This example is realised with an 'ESP32-S2 mini' board and an 'MAX485 TTL to RS485' Converter. ...but any other ESP-Board could be used with small modifications in the code and platformio.ini.

Fritzing prototype (board is cut to fit in a DIN hat rail case)

Helpful Infos and links and investigations (most in german)


my shared investigations and notes: my-doc

...others sources


prototype connect RS485 to Pin1 (=A) and Pin2 (=B) of left RJ45-Connector in Wallbox the termination Jumper may be optional (worked for me with and without) ...more infos: evcc-io/evcc#2801


Licensed under the European Union Public License (EUPL)-1.2-or-later

Why licensed under EUPL-1.2: it is compatible to GPL and compatible to EU-rights and regulations

Download and Installation

  • To download click the DOWNLOAD ZIP button, rename the uncompressed folder 'ESP32_ABL' ...or clone it with git

PlatformIO and Arduino-IDE

Projekt was build and testet with PlatformIO.

Take care to upload the 'data' folder to the SPIFFS filesystem see:

Flash Program (without PlatformIO or Arduino-IDE)

If you do not want to compile the program from source:

for the ESP32-S2 mini board I supply the actual firmware-version

  • got to subfolder firmware/lolin_s2_mini/V1_1

  • put ESP32-S2 board to flash-mode: ** disconnect USB then press and hold "0"-button ** reconnect USB hold "0"-button ** then release "0"-button --> now the board is in program-mode

  • run (for Linux) or flash.bat (for Windows) (needs '') --> ask google

  • after flashing reset or disconnect USB

  • search WIFI connetions for "ABLWALLBOX"

  • connect (without password)

  • start your webbrowser at "" (this is the startpage for the APP)

  • to connect to your home-route navigate to "Setup" --> "Config-Data" and change:


Version History

V1.0 initial version, first test with real charging car (VW ID.3)

V1.1 ABL-Box without internal current-sensor: calculate power and consumption from premeasured config-values.


  • test "PAUSE" function and switch Ipwm at charging time.
  • MQTT-client (does someone need this ?)