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A spigot plugin that allows the selling and buying of WorldGuard regions with ease.


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RCRegions ist das Grundstücksplugin des Raid-Craft Servers. Es ermöglicht den intuitiven An- und Verkauf von WorldGuard Regionen über Schilder und eine Chat GUI.

Getting started


Folgende Plugins werden benötigt, damit RCRegions funktioniert.

Wenn alle Dependencies installiert sind die aktuellste Version herunterladen und analog dem RC-Install-Guide installieren.


RCRegions hat drei Configs die angepasst werden müssen:

  • config.yml - Generelle Einstellungen, Datenbank Verbindung, Task Delays
  • limits.yml - Erstellung von mehreren Grundstückslimits die dann per Permission zugewiesen werden
  • groups.yml - Erstellung von Grundstücksgruppen (Stadtteilen) und Konfiguration der Kosten


# The relative path or config file where your skill region groups are located.
region_groups_config: groups.yml
# The name of the limits config file
limits_config: limits.yml
# The location where schematics of regions should be stored.
schematics: schematics
# The time in ticks how long a player has to confirm the buying of a region.
buy_time_ticks: 600
# Set to true to automatically set the parent WorldGuard region defined in the group config.
# You can always manually update the parent regions with the command /rcra wgparents <group>
autoset_world_guard_parent: true
# Set to true to automatically map groups based on existing WorldGuard parents.
# You can always manually trigger this with the command /rcra autogroup <group>
auto_map_parent: true
# Display all open sales to a player after login in
display_sales_login_notification: true
# The delay in ticks on how long to wait until sales are displayed after logging in
sales_login_delay: 60
# a list of worldguard regions that should be ignored by rcregions
# this is useful when using the autolink mode
- rccity
- rcmap
- slums
# commands that are executed when a region is sold
# you can use the following placeholders:
#   - %player% ~> Silthus
#   - %region% ~> test1
#   - %group%  ~> default
#   - %world%  ~> world
- 'lwc admin purgeregion %region% %world%'
# the connection details for the database
# see the ebean-wrapper documentation for details
  username: ${CFG_DB_USER}
  password: ${CFG_DB_PASSWORD}
  driver: ${CFG_DB_DRIVER}
  url: jdbc:mariadb://${CFG_DB_HOST}:${CFG_DB_PORT}/${CFG_DB_NAME}


# The default limit is automatically applied to all players regardless of their permissions.
# Set the option to a blank string to disable the default limit.
default_limit: default
# Define your limits in this config.
# Each limit has a unique key that can be assigned to players by giving them the rcregions.limits.<your-limit> permission.
# You can overwrite specific limits per player with the following permissions:
#    -<limit>
#    - rcregions.player-limits.regions.<group>.<limit>
#    - rcregions.player-limits.groups.<limit>
  # the identifier of the limit that is used in the permission
  # permission: rcregions.limits.default
    # the total number of regions a player is allowed to own
    # -1 means infinite
    total: -1
    # list your groups here and their limits
    # use -1 for infinite regions
    # the total limit always overrides this
      slums: 1
      zentrum: 2
      default: 0
      hills: 1
    # the number of groups where a player can own regions in
    groups: -1
    # higher priority limits override each other
    # this only applies when the player has multiple permissions
    priority: 1


# The default group that for all new regions
# You can set the region limit of the default group to 0 in the limits.yml to avoid players claiming default regions
default-group: default
  # 'default' is the key of the group.
  # The key is used in commands to assign regions to a group.
    # The player friendly display name of this group.
    name: Default
    # A short and precise description what regions this group contains.
    description: The default region group contains all regions that have no group assigned to them.
    # The name of the world where this group is active
    world: world
    # The name of the worldguard region that should be used for automapping
    # and setting the parent region on creation
    worldguard-region: default
    # The value in percent how much a player gets back when selling the region
    # the player always only gets back the base price of the region
    # this is to avoid money duping exploits
    sell-modifier: 1.0
    # The default type of the regions that are created in this group
    # available price types:
    #   - dynamic: the price is automatically calculated based on the size of the region
    #   - static: a static price is used
    #   - free: all regions in this group are free by default
    price-type: dynamic
    # Here you can specify a list of costs that apply to all regions in this group.
    # Currently there is only the 'money' cost available, but more will follow.
      # The type key of the cost.
        # How should the base_price of the region be calculated?
        #   - per2m: base_price = base * m2
        #   - per3m: base_price = base * m3
        #   - static: base_price = base
        type: per2m
        # The price per m2, m3 or a static price depending on the type of the region
        base: 10.0
        # the calculated base price is then increased depending on the number of regions the player has
        # and the individual modifier of the player and region
        # region_price = SUMΣ[base_price * ((count ^ power) * multiplier) - base_price] * player_permission_multiplier * region_multiplier
        # ###################################
        # Use the values below to fine tune the calculation for this group
        # multipliers for the total count of player regions
        region-count-multiplier: 0.0
        region-count-multiplier-power: 1.0
        # multiplier for the total count of groups where a player owns regions
        region-group-count-multiplier: 0.0
        region-group-count-multiplier-power: 1.0
        # the count of regions inside this group
        same-group-count-multiplier: 0.0
        same-group-count-multiplier-power: 1.0


All RCRegion commands start with /rcregions or /rcr as a shorthand. Admin commands can be accessed with /rcregions:admin or /rcra. Use the smart tab completion and help command (/rcregions help) to find our more about each command.

Creating Regions

Every region in RCRegions requires a valid WorldGuard region as the container of the region and to manage permissions and ownership.

Region Price Calculation

You can specify a price modifier for groups that gets applied for players that want to buy multiple regions. The following logic is used when calculating the price for a region.

region_price = SUM(base_price * [(count ^ power) * multiplier + 1] - base_price) * player_permission_multiplier * region_multiplier


The RCRegions plugin comes with a built-in achievement type for RCAchievements.

Use the region type with the following achievement configuration:

Config Default Description
count 0 How many regions must the player own. Ignored if 0.
groups [] A list region groups the player must have a region in.
regions [] A list of regions the player must own.
money_progress false Show how much money the player needs until he can buy a region in the list.


A spigot plugin that allows the selling and buying of WorldGuard regions with ease.



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