A plugin for Moonshine
A plugin for installing and managing sphinx for a Rails application using thinking_sphinx.
It handles:
- Ensuring sphinx is installed
- Generating a sane sphinx.yml for you
- Using God managing and monitoring searchd
- Adding capistrano hooks to restart searchd on deploy
- Optionally adding a cron job for running the indexer
- At least revision cf2c44881e49633a8507149024e1f2dcbf63335e of moonshine
- thinking_sphinx installed and configured
- moonshine_god to be installed as a plugin
- moonshine_god can be disabled by setting :use_god: false in moonshine.yml
script/plugin install git://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine_sphinx.git
script/plugin install git://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine_god.git
rake moonshine:gems if you config/gems.yml if you're using thinking_sphinx as a gem
Configure settings as needed:
# in config/moonshine.yml
:version: 2.0.8
# index every hour at 9
:minute: 9
# these settings are loaded as if they were in your thinking_sphinx.yml
:mem_limit: 256M
- Include the recipe in your Moonshine manifest: recipe :sphinx
- Include capistrano callback to restart sphinx after god restarts: after 'god:restart', 'sphinx:restart'
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