Fork the
app into your Github account. -
gem 'plugger'
to the:development
group in theGemfile
. -
Download and setup moonshine:
$ mkdir -p vendor/plugins
$ cd vendor/plugins
$ git clone git://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine.git
$ rm -fr moonshine/.git/
$ rm moonshine/.gitignore
$ cd ../..
$ rails generate moonshine
with production settings. Hint: database host islocalhost
and add a randomly generated password. -
with the server’s hostname. -
Edit the
so that the:repository:
setting is pointing to your fork of themoonshinetest
repository. -
Add capistrano to the
group in theGemfile
gem 'capistrano', '~> 2.15'
- Add the following to
to prevent the moonshine manifests from being loaded by the app:
# don't attempt to auto-require the moonshine manifests into the rails env
# config.paths.app.manifests 'app/manifests', :eager_load => false
path_rejector = lambda { |s| s.include?("app/manifests") }
config.eager_load_paths = config.eager_load_paths.reject(&path_rejector)
# Remove the path from being lazily loaded
Commit and push all of your changes to your fork of the repository.
Deploy setup and deploy the app to the server:
$ cap deploy:setup
$ cap deploy
Ensure that there are no errors in the deploy and if there are fix them. Feel free to ask questions if you get stuck.
Once the deploy is successful ensure that the app is loading at http://kpm.railsmachine.managedmachine.com
Follow the instructions in the README here: https://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine_iptables
NOTE: Moonshine has limited support for Rails 5 so to download the plugin use:
$ cd vendor/plugins
$ git clone git://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine_iptables.git
$ rm -fr moonshine_iptables/.git/
$ cd ../..
Then follow the remaining instructions from the README.