- Nice localization with support of dozens of languages: English, العربية, Bulgarian, Catalan, Deutsch, Español, زبان فارسی, Français, Galego, Indonesian, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Português do Brasil, limba română, Русский, Serbian, Thai, Tagalog (Filipino), Türkçe, Українська, Vietnamese, 简体中文, 繁體中文
- Setup
- Help
- Sample commands for the flora blockchain fork
- Quick commands for all blockchain forks
- View detailed blockchain fork status
- Go to docker container
- Docker operational management
- More
- Open terminal and change working directory to the folder contains ccm.sh
- (Linux / Mac)Init ccm by creating link: sudo ln -s /full/path/to/your/file/ccm.sh /usr/local/bin/ccm
- Command guide: ccm help
- Install one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm install flora
- Start one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm start flora
- Stop one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm stop flora
- Restart one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm restart flora
- Upgrade one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm upgrade flora
- Upgrade then start one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm upup flora
- Uninstall one blockchain fork such as flora: ccm uninstall flora
- Migrate one blockchain fork db such as flora: ccm migrate-db "flora,/home/username/.flora/mainnet/db"
- Migrate one blockchain fork wallet db such as flora: ccm migrate-wallet "flora,/home/username/.flora/mainnet/wallet/db"
- Install all blockchain forks: ccm install all
- Start all blockchain forks: ccm start all
- Stop all blockchain forks: ccm stop all
- Restart all blockchain forks: ccm restart all
- Upgrade all blockchain forks: ccm upgrade all
- Upgrade then start all blockchain forks: ccm upup all
- Uninstall all blockchain forks: ccm uninstall all
- View connection info such as ethgreen: ccm vconnection ethgreen
- View farm summary info such as ethgreen: ccm vsummary ethgreen
- View wallet info such as ethgreen: ccm vwallet ethgreen
- View keys info such as ethgreen: ccm vkey ethgreen
- View log info such as ethgreen: ccm vlog ethgreen
- Go inside docker such as tranzact: ccm docker tranzact
- Clean all unused docker images: ccm clean
- Show all docker containers: ccm container
- Show all Docker images: ccm image
CHIA NETWORK INC, CHIA™, the CHIA BLOCKCHAIN™, the CHIA PROTOCOL™, CHIALISP™ and the “leaf Logo” (including the leaf logo alone when it refers to or indicates Chia), are trademarks or registered trademarks of Chia Network, Inc., a Delaware corporation. There is no affliation between this Coctohug project and the main Chia Network project.