A web programme called the Online Flight Reservation System enables commuters to make online flight reservations. The commuter must fill out a registration form in order to book a ticket. The user must log in after creating an account on his own to purchase a ticket. The user must identify the destinations he will be visiting and the airline(s) he will be flying with when making a reservation. The system will give information on flights and venues that are available on the date that the commuter specifies, depending on the type of airline and location. After purchasing the ticket, commuters can view the reservation. The commuter will be able to see information about his reservation. The System will give passengers information on the flight. The administrator of the online flight reservation system can view the reservations made by the passengers and can add any pertinent flight-related notices.
The system's data will be more secure thanks to this functionality. To access the administrator's side of the flight booking system, admins and staff must enter their system credentials on this page.
The webpage to which administrators and employees will be routed after logging in.
The page on which the administrator manages the airline list.
The page where airports and their locations are published and can be managed.
The page that only admin users may manage and lists all users.
The page where website administrators can edit other data, such as the "about" material.
The page with the flight availability checker to which customers are automatically forwarded.
The page where all flights are displayed as being available.
- The user receives a flight notification that will aid in his booking.
- The user can choose the kind of airlines with which he wishes to fly.
- The seating configurations are visible to the user in the user interface.
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