An alternative to the photoset viewer offered by Tumblr.
Tumblr offers a lot options in terms of theming except when it comes to 'photosets' there is only the standard flash based gallery viewer. I think this is inadequate, especially if you are using Tumblr to show a lot of high-res pictures.
Hide the default photoset, using Tumblr's API, fetch the images in the photoset and display them as you like.
The code here shows the images one after the other as if they are multiple photo posts, except they are all in single post.
- jQuery
See mod.html for using the code in your theme.
You can get a feel of the transformation by looking at the screenshots in the before_after folder.
I am also building a Tumblr theme that uses this transformation to showcase beautiful high-resolution images, it's still a work in progress but you can check it out at Market Street at Night - Take Over Sf