This is a set of SQLAlchemy bindings to the WordPress schema. There is both a table-level interface and a class-level (ORM) interface.
To use the ORM interface, import wpalchemy.classes
and use these classes
with a SQLALchemy ORM session:
import sqlalchemy as sa
import wpalchemy.classes as wp
engine = sa.create_engine('mysql://user:password@localhost/blog_db?charset=utf8')
session = sa.orm.sessionmaker(engine)()
The available classes are: Category, Comment, Link, LinkCategory, Option, Post, PostMeta, PostTag, Taxonomy, Term, User, and UserMeta.
If you prefer a table-level interface, import wpalchemy.tables
instead. The
available tables are: comments, links, options, postmeta, posts,
term_relationships, term_taxonomy, terms, usermeta, and users.
Here is a simple query and loop that prints the IDs and titles of all pages.
pages = session.query(wp.Post).filter((wp.Post.post_status == 'publish')
& (wp.Post.post_type == 'page'))
for page in pages:
print page.ID, page.post_title
Here's a slightly more complex query that prints the IDs and titles of all posts published in the past week.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
start_date = - timedelta(7)
posts = session.query(wp.Post).filter((wp.Post.post_status == 'publish')
& (wp.Post.post_type == 'post')
& (wp.Post.post_date >= start_date))
for post in posts:
print post.ID, post.post_title
That's all the documentation I have for now. Please see the source code for more details.