Computational modeling for sequence and structural features of yeast pre-mRNA
This repository contains:
- Database with gene annotations, RNA-seq RPKMs, intron sets in S. cerevisiae, alignments across Saccharomyces genus
- Each intron set (e.g. standard introns, controls, decoys, proto introns) includes:
- sequences
- splice site positions
- cached secondary strucure features
- minimum free energy secondary structures
- stochastically sampled secondary structure ensembles (will be stored here but not uploaded to repo)
- Each intron set (e.g. standard introns, controls, decoys, proto introns) includes:
- Feature calculation:
- transcription levels
- stop-codon features
- sequence-based features: splicing motifs PWMs, length distributions
- secondary structure features: stem dGs, longest stem, maximum path length, sequence protection
- Basic utilities:
- Conversions between Refseq / Ensembl / symbolic gene names
- Secondary structure and ensemble generation
- Processing sequence alignments
- Cache expensive-to-compute secondary structure ensembles and features
- Analyses:
- Statistical comparisons between intron and control / decoy sets
- Analyzing sequence and secondary structure properties across yeast species
- Identifying decoy introns from whole transcriptome
- Classification of introns vs decoys
A description for how to generate figures is included in src/
- scipy v1.10.1
- numpy v1.24.3
- matplotlib v3.7.1
- seaborn v0.12.2
- pandas v2.0.2
- sklearn v1.3.0
- argparse v1.1
- mygene v3.2.2
- arnie:
- RNAstructure v6.2:
- Vienna 2.0:
- Contrafold 2.00:
- Install all requirements (expected time: 1-2 hours)
- Clone repository
- Copy
and update paths.