This Repository contains Study material, Research paper and Source Codes, Handouts and important notes of our project done at InterNext Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. during this summer. Thanks :)
The InterNext RS232 to LoRaWAN convertor module includes a plug-and play LoRaWAN transceiver based on Indian LoRaWAN frequencies (865MHz). The module supports transmission of RS232 frames on any public or private LoRaWAN network and can be used in indoor as well as outdoor conditions. It ships with a 12V power supply adaptor that powers the device using AC mains input (100-220V,50-60Hz). The RS232 target device can also be powered using the module with the provided 12V power output screw connectors. The module is a class C LoRaWAN device by default with both uplink and downlink capabilities. The device ships with pre-programmed OTAA at Indian LoRaWAN frequencies (IN865-867).
- RFID reader (RS232 -> LoRa)
- Smart metering (RS232 -> LoRa)
- Configuration updates to industrial equipment (LoRa->RS232)