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Rapidez Blade Components

This package includes some Tailwind CSS styled Blade components, the components do not need or require Rapidez. This package is only used within Rapidez by default, but can be used in any Laravel project.

The idea with these components is to have a good starting point and centralized styling. Most of the components use a Anonymous Index, this way you have a default and variants can be added next to it. We're using the (currently undocumented) component name guessing here.

We don't provide a input + label combination component as you'll end up with attribute merging issues. We can't guess where the attribute should go; the input or the label. We could provide a 99% use case but you'll eventually end up with exceptions and complexity within the components. But; we do provide it for the checkbox and radio as you can see within those components. If you don't need the label you can use the base component as you can find within the examples.

The base button doesn't have any styling; here, we only use the x-rapidez::tag. All other buttons use the button/button, which contains the basic styling for buttons, such as padding, hover effects, and the disabled state. The button variants contain styling for the background and text color. There is only one exception: the button/slider, which has more custom styling than the other button variants.


composer require rapidez/blade-components

Make sure these colors and z-indexes are present in your tailwind.config.js file:

colors: {
    colors: {
        primary: {
            DEFAULT: color('--primary', '#2FBC85'),
            text: color('--primary-text', colors.white),
        secondary: {
            DEFAULT: color('--secondary', '#202F60'),
            text: color('--secondary-text', colors.white),
        conversion: {
            DEFAULT: color('--conversion', '#36B422'),
            text: color('--conversion-text', colors.white),
        foreground: {
            emphasis: color('--foreground-emphasis', colors.slate[900]),
            DEFAULT: color('--foreground', colors.slate[800]),
            muted: color('--foreground-muted', colors.slate[600]),
        border: {
            emphasis: color('--border-emphasis', colors.slate[400]),
            DEFAULT: color('--border', colors.slate[300]),
            muted: color('--border-muted', colors.slate[100]),
        shadow: {
            emphasis: color('--shadow-emphasis', colors.slate[900]),
            DEFAULT: color('--shadow', colors.slate[700]),
            muted: color('--shadow-muted', colors.slate[500]),
        background: {
            emphasis: color('--background-emphasis', colors.slate[200]),
            DEFAULT: color('--background', colors.slate[100]),
            muted: color('--background-muted', colors.slate[50]),
        backdrop: color('--backdrop', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)'),
    zIndex: {
        'slideover': '120',
        'slideover-overlay': '10',
        'slideover-sidebar': '20',
    textColor: (theme) => theme('colors.foreground'),
    borderColor: (theme) => ({
        default: theme('colors.border'),
    backgroundColor: (theme) => theme('colors.background'),
    ringColor: (theme) => ({
        default: theme('colors.border'),
    outlineColor: (theme) => ({
        default: theme('colors.border'),
    boxShadowColor: (theme) => ({
        default: theme('colors.shadow'),

And make sure you add this in your tailwind.config.js file:

import colors from 'tailwindcss/colors'

function color(variable, fallback) {
    return 'color-mix(in srgb, var(' + variable + ', ' + fallback + ') calc(100% * <alpha-value>), transparent)'


If you like to change the components you can publish the views with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=rapidez-blade-components-views

Prose component

If you're going to use the Prose component and you're not using Rapidez; you've to import the CSS file manually:

@import '../../vendor/rapidez/blade-components/resources/css/package.css';`

With Rapidez this is already imported from the app.js.

Read more component

The readmore component includes some Javascript, we're using a Blade Stack named foot for that. Make sure you've an @stack('foot') before your closing </body> tag. Within Rapidez this is already present within the layouts/app.blade.php.


Just like any other Blade component, check out the Laravel Blade docs and the examples within the components code linked above. All components are prefixed with x-rapidez:: to avoid any conflicts with existing Blade components within your project.

Basic examples

Input with a label

    <x-rapidez::input name="something" class="extra-styling" />


<x-rapidez::input.checkbox name="something">
    @lang('Translatable label')




    <x-slot:label>Accordion Title</x-slot:label>
        Accordion content goes here


<label for="my-slideover">
    Open Slideover

<x-rapidez::slideover id="my-slideover" title="Example Slideover">
    Your slideover content goes here

Make sure to add this class to your body tag to prevent scrolling when the slideover is open:

<body class="has-[.prevent-scroll:checked]:overflow-clip">


It is a Blade version of a dynamic Vue component

<x-rapidez::tag is="span" class="font-bold">

which will result in

<span class="font-bold">

Changing components

If you like to change the components you can publish the views with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=rapidez-blade-components-views


There is a preview Blade file included with all the components, to view that in your project you could register a route for it within routes/web.php and visit the /components route from your browser:

Route::view('components', 'rapidez::components-preview');


When you're working on this package you can use composer preview-demo to get a preview in the browser. There is also another script: generate-demo which runs automatically on push.


GNU General Public License v3. Please see License File for more information.