Noted humorist John Hodgman had this thing where he named seven-hundred made-up hoboes in his 2005 book The Areas of My Expertise. He read them all aloud for the audiobook, which apparently took an hour. You can read up on the whole story, but it became an early internet meme with various remixes and offshoot projects including the now defunct where one could find illustrations of the various hoboes. (Note that at this time a “meme” wasn’t specifically an image with some text on it.)
Somewhat late, maybe ten years late, I added to the meme, drawing on some new silliness of that later time. (Can I call that the Albernheitgeist?)
So, inspired by the AI Weirdness blog, I fed Hodgman’s nice, ready-made corpus of 700 hobo names into an LSTM neural network in an attempt to train it to generate its own hobo names, thereby disrupting the hobo naming industry with all the buzzwords. It was basically a script kiddie operation, repurposing some Lua code and futzing around to get library dependencies sorted out.
I set up a Twitter account (that I have since abandoned) to tweet these names regularly along with registering the domain (that I have also abandoned) to host a little write up on the project.
It worked OK. We didn’t have GPT-3 and stuff like that back then, or at least I didn’t, so the brain was pretty simple, with each training session lasting only a few minutes on a mid-range 2016 MacBook. But even then, the results sound like they make sense even though they almost always don’t.
Either way, I find these things endlessly entertaining. Here is a raw dump of the last batch I made. I highlighted my favorites.
- Bllalais Drind
- Stoop Willal
- Fopple Gabothore
- Not Stummer
- Timed-Hamor
- Mary the Montimer
- Teary Noot, the Crick Enister Rederich Robers
- Lord Finger Jeredigo Cop
- Bow Stummy, the Smingerprones
- Pitennale Amese
- Erie Stenyard Pal
- Stirgensine Callizan
- Stinger St. Strines
- Tomsoling Beless Fitter
- The Bounging Dancar Cearlo
- The Rear-Ham Andler
- Stick-Bumy Phunk
- The Welly Horchert the Thail
- Solly Bregeton
- The Stingus Clarke
- Pourloned Printer
- Jashan, the Homan Oenus
- Bum-Spitche Moron
- Clain and "Sila Shirchill
- Stutstiman-Hat Brew West
- Cricket Steen Stoper
- Finger the Bateral Marie
- Chastim Bondy Linth-ones
- Hobo Fousester Butt
- Gill Staron, the Spancable
- The Foreating Machore
- Holly Gneatih Clark
- Jonessee Stimmy Trisz
- Jumbley Dedine Hugger Tinder
- The Mort Steeffree Farktlot
- The Slaen-Hal-Foot
- Solton Stick-Dacky Sting
- Sondy Mannice Tail
- Crathellecting Candy
- Solly Bunnes
- Porah of the Scolmy
- Markarme, the Scolonase
- Nima King Tennessey Norchill
- Manny Garistutpan
- Tow Favina Songo
- Boxs, the Anand Saund Hater
- Cabouse and the Tom
- Crickets Man
- The Carly McGrowis Sneaker
- Scolly Butter-Toe Foon
- Guck Bunter
- Alave Cerry Op
- Alada Fine
- Holly Pnuther Silled
- The Amarblind Perry Dane
- Saliver Lea Stomane
- Hobo Dame Ceeple
- Stoof the Meefered Leep Hilar
- Master Killy Drine
- Marlant Sockson
- Eld Sweeting Pellous Chandy
- Hubbery Barry Drande
- Drim Mans
- Thory Montia Dicket
- The Hobo Shan
- Fine Ma Snummineler
- Stipper Chillonss
- Slake Stinger
- Freak-Hop-Galter
- Choless Stinger Jones
- Anmiert the Apron
- Allon Gurtheets Oboot
- Salister Wooth Intace Healder Turkey
- New Mannichore Stoper
- Applas Kinger
- Vore Carly Beards
- Achulstommers
- Cally Booner
- The Chairy Cralk
- Stitrimbeless Bunter
- The Frickers, the Secrentable Huden
- Boodre Carly Prenich
- Collie Stick Churchille
- Cheest Chatichtorshaop
- Goeth Reash
- Clatter Wounder
- Hilar Carry Stareder the Stilgan
- Stim-Hat Son the Strifpler
- Philly Bunneles
- Tommonead Cranke
- Brea Boung
- Marting Churchill Carly Food
- Cramksana Screek
- Tread Soundertor
- Gledy Snegcert
- Preeplethick Bregg
- Stoon