A minimalistic web site that uses Ravencoin NFTs for authentication
You can try out this demo online https://demo-ravencoin-webapp.herokuapp.com/
Just three steps, create the authentication order, pull/poll the status of the order, say hello to the user. That's it.
- The web site requests an authentication order from the Identity Provider (idp.ravenrebels.com) and get
(id) andendUserURL
back - The web site opens
in a new window/tab so that the end user can fill out the authentication form. - The web site starts pulling status and when status is "complete" the response contains nft (Unique Asset), address and signature.
git clone https://github.com/ravenrebels/demo-site-with-ravencoin-authentication.git
npm install
node server
This demo web site will authenticate using an Identity Provider called idp.ravenrebels.com.
The web site creates an authentication "order" using HTTP Post with JSON data.
is the IP address of the end user@userVisibleData
is the text message that the end user will sign, base64 encoded
The request
POST /rp/v5.1/sign HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Host: idp.ravenrebels.com
endUserIp: '',
userVisibleData: 'RGF0ZTogMjAyMi0wOC0zMFQwNzowMjoyMS45ODFaIFNpZ24gaW4gdG8gc3VwZXIgd2ViIHNpdGUgZG90IGNvbQ=='
The response
orderRef: '7776abab-f16c-4491-8e82-45acccf8c247',
endUserIp: '',
endUserURL: 'https://idp.ravenrebels.com?orderRef=7776abab-f16c-4491-8e82-45acccf8c247',
userVisibleData: 'RGF0ZTogMjAyMi0wOS0xMlQwNjo1NjoxOC4wMTlaIFNpZ24gaW4gdG8gc3VwZXIgd2ViIHNpdGUgZG90IGNvbQ==',
hintCode: 'outstandingTransaction',
createdDate: '2022-09-12T06:56:19.356Z'
The web site opens endUserURL
in a new window or tab so that the end user can authenticate.
The demo web site (Relying Party) starts polling status every 2 seconds
//POST /rp/v5.1/collect HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json
//Host: idp.ravenrebels.com
Response while status is "pending"
"orderRef": "08e2921a-055c-41d6-8196-c681720f62e0",
"hintCode": "started",
"status": "pending"
Response when status "complete"
"orderRef": "1aff0200-f300-4083-8740-d7a3472684b5",
"endUserIp": "",
"endUserURL": "https: //idp.ravenrebels.com?orderRef=1aff0200-f300-4083-8740-d7a3472684b5",
"userVisibleData": "U2lnbiBpbiB3aXRoIFJhdmVuY29pbiBORlQgZGVtbyBzaXRlIDIwMjItMDktMTNUMDk6Mjc6MDMuMjMwWg==",
"hintCode": "outstandingTransaction",
"createdDate": "2022-09-13T09: 27: 04.377Z",
"userResponse": {
"address": "R9ViFY6HbQqz5N8h159g7PFGNymN6khaRU",
"message": "Sign in with Ravencoin NFT demo site 2022-09-13T09: 27: 03.230Z",
"orderRef": "1aff0200-f300-4083-8740-d7a3472684b5",
"signature": "HxROA5Dvu/cdgXAYte5n4NA7t59sE7BR7BnkX6Y1LZ6iQU8/fld/Mnjm3eF3QD0hkkqXSvEfqB67mhOtshM4CRA=",
"ipAddress": { "address": ": :ffff:", "family": "IPv6", "port": 26850
"status": "complete",
"meta": {
"sats_in_circulation": 100000000,
"divisions": 0,
"reissuable": false,
"has_ipfs": true,
"ipfs": "QmPdwHENQ4jvDEsxNqQfSo9jXfwYuysDvcY4dWQFX6fn8K",
"source": {
"tx_hash": "d6b5536e17629937c520c3aabab6f0b2cd79b578c7f13ddf26a9ddd3d4673a90",
"tx_pos": 3,
"height": 2400319
When the order is complete (status==="complete") we welcome the user.
The web site stores the user information (in the user session), because the authentication order over at idp.ravenrebels.com will be deleted within minutes.