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Releases: ravenshining/M1R

alpha 0.0.13

29 Jul 07:49
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alpha 0.0.13 Pre-release
  • Starting a new game now brings you directly to Arrival, rather than skipping though unfinished prologues
  • Currently unplayable levels are hidden from the level-select dialogue
  • Lua scripting is finding its way to several levels to control special events and functions
  • 3D models fixed so they no longer cause clipping & bloom problems, and distort less on pulsating textures
  • New texture variants, bringing the total number to 386! (including landscapes and animation frames)
  • Most levels updated to greater and lesser degrees to take advantage of the new textures
  • AI variant terminal textures applied to every terminal - e.g., a Leela terminal says LEELA on it in-world
  • Differentiated solid and liquid lava, and to a lesser degree, goo
  • New epilogue level (thanks to Pfhorrest for letting me re-use some Eternal geometry)
  • A new defensive twist to Pfhoraphobia to balance out its new Lua scripting
  • Updates to Arrival, The Rose, Welcome to the Revolution, Try Again, Beware of Low-Flying Defence Drones
  • The first Pfhor terminal
  • Pfhor fighter sprites optimised for bloom
  • Revised Vidmaster's Oath
  • Newly spawned players start with plot-appropriate weapons, at the expense of ammo
  • Low resolution fallback if you disable the 3072p landscape plugin
  • Lots of bugfixes in general, thank you to everyone who reported problems!
  • Much saner organisation overall
  • Probably more because it's been 9 months since 0.0.12!

alpha 0.0.12

01 Oct 04:23
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alpha 0.0.12 Pre-release

M1-style Rescue missions now work! We don't have the branching storyline yet, but you WILL get different terminal messages on The Rose and Bob-B-Q if you succeed or fail to save 50% of the BoBs. A big thanks to Treelama for patiently explaining how this works and releasing a new version of Weland to eliminate the need for hex editing!

M1-style activation triggers! Every level has been gone over to restore Glue activation mechanics for all non-teleporting monsters. Not only does this make M1R replicate M1 activation, but BoBs may freely roam the levels (provided you don't kill them) instead of being confined and/or glitching behind zone borders as in M1A1. A yuge thank-you to Wrkncacnter for writing a Weland plugin that streamlined this process!

The ridiculously-slow-on-early-levels shock staff mechanic has been scaled way back as it was not fun. Instead, early levels have you hitting monsters with the staff as a fragile but highly effective melee weapon - complete with it's own HD animation - until exposition is delivered via terminal on how to operate it properly.

As with 0.0.11, please note that if you command-option- or control-shift- begin new game, only (most of) levels 1-37 are playable. Levels 38-99 are redundancies for the planned branching storyline, and do not yet have physics, terminals, or MML. Levels 101-119 are multiplayer carnage.

The flamethrower now obscures your vision as it should when using the HD weapons plugin.

Lava and Goo should be generally shallower (more like M1) and emits noise to eliminate abrupt sonic transitions.

Architectual updates to Never Burn Money, The Rose, Blaspheme Quarantine, Shake Before Using, Pfhor Your Eyes Only, Unpfhorgiven, & Try Again.

Welcome level removed and replaced with a placeholder, the goal being to have a populated spaceport and functional Mirata for 0.0.13.

Various minor terminal, physics, artwork, item placement updates

alpha 0.0.11

10 Jul 22:18
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alpha 0.0.11 Pre-release

At this point, M1R is playable through to the end in the canonical level sequence. There will undoubtedly be bugs along the way, the biggest of which is that M2/M∞ Rescue missions are not yet supported in Aleph One. I've submitted a pull request to A1 that would fix this: Aleph-One-Marathon/alephone#104 However, since it would change A1's behaviour on a few maps that use the Rescue flag inappropriately, it is unlikely to be accepted. Even if it was, it would undoubtedly take a long time to make it's way into Aleph One stable. My hopes are on finding some way to hack in the Rescue mission with hex editing or Lua. Rescue missions will function properly in 0.0.12a!

Please note that if you command-option- or control-shift- begin new game, only (most of) levels 1-37 are playable. Levels 38-99 are redundancies for the planned branching storyline, and do not yet have physics, terminals, or MML.

Redux now features netmaps! Levels 101-119 include all of Bungie's M1 netmaps, M∞ Jjaro netmaps, and two M∞ lava netmaps I happen to have converted.

merge for 0.0.11a
minor fixes to make playable
rebasing now that the whole scenario is here.
TODO crossing off misc, adding rescue issues
cleanup for 0.0.11a
TR, BBQ rescue missions are broken
BQ teleporting fix
clarifying legalese history
quick update & merge
original AA & NPR tracks
more little fixes
only orange/blue pfhor drop staves
whoops bad move
WARNING history rewrite! repo got too bloated
alien weapon learning curve physics & rebellion
version bump
pfhor starscape & term fix
merging scenario, netmaps, placeholders; physics fixes
BoB fixes
why not netmaps
revamped Mirata & Arrival CS & better rampant tycho logon
yay marking more things done
blargh whole scenario schlepping
DT tycho assimilation & BQ rebirth
NBM tycho & durandal degredation
demo 'fire' text as finished message
logon logo alignment
wider maze for coop, switch improvage
beta skitter & sensor
pulling in music while I've got unlimited internet
pulling in Pfhor textures while I have unlimited internets
pulling in CH's music to WAB