Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Database
Azure App Service to deploy docker container to. S1-1 was used in testing.
Java 8 - to compile spring boot app.
You can see the environment properties that need to be set in template.env.
Failure only happens when deployed to Azure app service. S1-1 level was in testing.
JMeter test file is simpleTest.jmx
docker build -t com-example-post-service-spring-r2dbc-mssql .
- Copy template.env as .env.
- Set properties in .env file. SQL_MAX in testing tried 10,25,50,100,200 all had failures when deployed to azure no failures local.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -i -t --env-file ./.env com-example-post-service-spring-r2dbc-mssql:latest
run JMeter -- execute simpleTest.jmx -- By default this is set to localhost and port 8080.
Again no failure is experienced here.
- Deploy your container to your appservice
- Set your container settings. Same as properties above. And you might want to turn on log tracing/analytics.
- Start up service.
- Edit JMeter test to point to your app service endpoint. Blank out 8080 port. https instead of http.
- Run test. You should see some failures. Not all will fail.