What's Changed
- build(style): integrate sbt-java-formatter by @datYori in #146
- style: javafmtAll by @datYori in #145
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.5.1 by @scala-steward-raw-labs in #158
- Update aws-java-sdk-bundle to 1.12.540 by @scala-steward-raw-labs in #155
- Update commons-lang3 to 3.13.0 by @scala-steward-raw-labs in #133
- Fixed RD-5986: Json.Parse/Read shouldn't successfully parse lists and objects are strings by @bgaidioz in #153
- Fixed RD-5910: XML typechecker shouldn't accept complex types for attributes by @bgaidioz in #152
Full Changelog: v0.24.19...v0.24.20