rancher-operator aim to provide some new features not include directly in product.
AutoProject add a new project (Rancher internal abstraction) in each cluster that your Rancher instance manage.
apiVersion: rancheroperator.barpilot.io/v1alpha1
kind: AutoProject
name: internal-ops
displayName: Internal-Ops
description: Project used by the ops team to give you the best kubernetes UX experience
AutoMultiClusterApp inject Multi-Cluster App in a project (based on label selector).
apiVersion: rancheroperator.barpilot.io/v1alpha1
kind: AutoMultiClusterApp
name: cert-manager
multiClusterApp: cert-manager
projectSelector: "autoproject/displayname==Internal-Ops"
Multi-Cluster App should already exists.
Use it after tests and coffee.
rancher-operator should be deployed in the same kubebernetes cluster where Rancher is deployed (local).
A Kubernetes as a Service Team can add some default features to a cluster :
- log
- monitoring
- ingress
- externalDNS
- cert-manager
This add value to user with default "working" configuration.