Please read the COPYRIGHT notice of the bottom of this page. If you contribute to this repository, then you agree to the CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENT also at the bottom of this page.
Contribute to Swamp Cinema here! How to:
- 'Fork' this repo. This creates a copy of it you have edit permissions of.
- Clone your forked repo into garrysmod/addons (so it creates garrysmod/addons/contrib), edit it, and push it back. You'll need the GitHub desktop or commandline client. Look up GitHub tutorials for that.
- For clientside work, check out the devtools which allow you to work on the actual server environment.
- Make a pull request on this repo. Use the 'compare across forks' link to request to merge your changes on your forked repo to this repo. Accepted changes are installed automatically, although new files won't run until after a server reset.
- Minor, single-file changes can just be done in the web browser by clicking the pencil icon.
All models/materials/sounds in this repository will be automatically uploaded to our workshop addons, so don't worry about that.
- Please submit code that is clean and concise. You may want to run it through glualint. Do a good job!
- Make your code compatible with our loading system.
- Try to put cinema-specific code in gamemodes/cinema/ and generic (cross-server) code in lua/. Both folders are loaded using our loading system.
Shorthand for gamemode name
file: lua/autorun/swamp.lua
Int location ID
file: lua/cinema/location/sh_location.lua
file: lua/cinema/location/sh_location.lua
Location table
file: lua/cinema/location/sh_location.lua
Theater table
file: lua/cinema/location/sh_location.lua
file: lua/cinema/location/sh_location.lua
Global function to compute a location ID (avoid this, it doesn't cache)
file: lua/cinema/location/sh_location.lua
Will probably be deprecated
possible options:
ent: emit from this ent instead of player
shared: emit on client without networking, assuming called in shared function
speech: move player lips (time to move lips, or auto if < 0)
file: lua/cinema/sound/sh_extsound.lua (hidden)
If we are "protected" from this attacker by theater protection. att
doesn't need to be passed, it's only used to let theater owners override protection and prevent killing out of a protected area.
file: lua/cinema/theater/sh_protection.lua
Bool (typing a chat message)
file: lua/swamp/chat/sh_swampchat.lua (hidden)
file: lua/swamp/clientcheck/sh_afk_detect.lua (hidden)
Boolean, NOT AFK and NOT BOT
file: lua/swamp/clientcheck/sh_afk_detect.lua (hidden)
Prints how long it takes to run a function, averaging over a large number of samples with minimal overhead
file: lua/swamp/dev/sh_bench.lua
Use this global instead of LocalPlayer()
It will be either nil or a valid entity. Don't write if IsValid(Me)
... , just write if Me
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_me.lua
Call the function when Me becomes valid
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_me.lua
Runs cam.Start3D2D(pos, ang, scale) callback() cam.End3D2D()
but only if the user is in front of the "screen" so they can see it.
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_render_extension.lua
Bool if we are currently drawing to the screen.
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_render_extension.lua
Sets the color modulation, calls your callback, then sets it back to what it was before.
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_render_extension.lua
Makes the DFrame :Close() if escape is pressed
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_vgui_function.lua
This defines the function vgui(classname, parent (optional), constructor) which creates and returns a panel.
The parent should only be passed when creating a root element (eg. a DFrame) which need a parent.
Child elements should be constructed using vgui() from within the parent's constructor, and their parent will be set automatically.
This is helpful for creating complex guis as the hierarchy of the layout is clearly reflected in the code structure.
Example: (a better example is in the file)\
vgui("Panel", function(p)\
-- p is the panel, set it up here\
vgui("DLabel", function(p)\
-- p is the label here\
file: lua/swamp/extensions/cl_vgui_function.lua
A timer which will only call the callback (with the entity passed as the argument) if the ent is still valid
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_ent_timer.lua
A timer which will only call the callback (with the entity passed as the argument) if the ent is still valid
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_ent_timer.lua
A global cache of all entities, in subtables divided by classname.
Works on client and server. Much, much faster than ents.FindByClass
or even player.GetAll
Each subtable is ordered and will never be nil even if no entities were created.
To use it try something like this: for i,v in ipairs(Ents.prop_physics) do
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_ents_cache.lua
NWP="Networked Private"
A table on each player. Values written on server will automatically be replicated to that client. Won't be sent to other players. Read-only on client, read-write on server.
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_nwprivate.lua
IsPlayer and not IsBot
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_player_extension.lua
Faster than writing IsValid(ply:GetActiveWeapon()) and ply:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()==class
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_player_extension.lua
Find a player whose name contains some text. Returns any found player as well as the count of found players.
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_playerbyname.lua
Turns a number of seconds into a string like hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
file: lua/swamp/extensions/sh_string.lua
Pop up the MOTD browser thing with this URL
file: lua/swamp/misc/cl_motd.lua
Show a notification (bottow center screen popup)
file: lua/swamp/misc/sh_notify.lua
Return player's actual Steam name without any filters (eg removing All default name functions have filters.
file: lua/swamp/misc/sh_player_name_filter.lua
Unlike the built-in function, this (along with player.GetBySteamID64 and player.GetByAccountID) is fast.
file: lua/swamp/misc/sh_playerbysteamid.lua
Get current title string or ""
file: lua/swamp/misc/sh_titles.lua
Boolean, mostly for players
file: lua/swamp/pony/sh_init.lua
A struct is a table with only string keys, and all string keys are kept on the NetworkString table. It's not as static as a C struct.
file: lua/swamp/sh_api.lua
Register a function which is called on the server and executed on the client. See this file for details.
file: lua/swamp/sh_api.lua
Just calls the function with the args
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Shorthand timer.Simple(0, callback) and also passes args
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Returns a table such that when indexing the table, if the value doesn't exist, the constructor will be called with the key to initialize it.
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Returns next power of 2 >= n
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Shorthand for empty function
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Convert a table of {k=v} to {v=k}
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Convert an ordered table {a,b,c} into a set {[a]=true,[b]=true,[c]=true}
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Copy table at the first layer only
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Returns the largest index such that tab[index] > val (or is the end)
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Selects the maximum value of an ordered table. See also: table.imin
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Sums an ordered table.
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Selects a range of an ordered table similar to string.sub
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Calls the function and if it fails, calls catch (default: ErrorNoHaltWithStack) with the error. Doesn't return anything
file: lua/swamp/sh_core.lua
Omit FindMetaTable from your code because these globals always refer to their respective metatables.
Player/Entity are still callable and function the same as the default global functions.
file: lua/swamp/sh_meta.lua
Get the value of the stat with the given name. If default isn't given it is 0
file: lua/swamp/sql/sh_stats.lua
Adds increment (or 1) to a stat with the given name
file: lua/swamp/sql/sv_stats.lua (hidden)
Sets the stat to 1 (cheaper storage than integer stats)
file: lua/swamp/sql/sv_stats.lua (hidden)
Adds the other player to the "partner set" by the given name. This way you can make stats that require interaction with many players.
file: lua/swamp/sql/sv_stats.lua (hidden)
Sets the stat with the given name to the max of its previous value and the record
file: lua/swamp/sql/sv_stats.lua (hidden)
Numeric player ranking (all players are zero, staff are 1+)
file: lua/swamp/swampcop/sh_init.lua (hidden)
file: lua/swamp/swampcop/sh_init.lua (hidden)
Number of points
file: lua/swamp/swampshop/sh_init.lua
If the player has at least this many points. Don't use it on the server if you are about to buy something; just do SS_TryTakePoints
file: lua/swamp/swampshop/sh_init.lua
Give points. callback
happens once the points are written. fcallback
= failed to write
file: lua/swamp/swampshop/sv_init.lua (hidden)
Take points, but only if they have enough.
runs once the points have been taken.
runs if they don't have enough points or it otherwise fails to take them
file: lua/swamp/swampshop/sv_init.lua (hidden)
Like WebMaterial
but sets it to an entity (only needs to be called once)
The material will load when the entity is close unless args.forceload=true
is passed.
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/cl_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Like Entity:SetWebMaterial
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/cl_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Assign a function to this ITexture which will be called(width,height) on the next PreDrawHUD and with the rendertarget/viewport stuff setup.
Finishes all painting in order on one frame and can be called recursively.
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/cl_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Like CreateRenderTargetEx, but the args are a table with good defaults, you don't need a name, and if the ITexture gets garbage collected it can reuse the rendertarget for another call (since you can't delete RTs)
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/cl_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
To use web materials, just call in your draw hook:
mat = WebMaterial(args)
Then set/override material to mat
args is a table with the following potential keys:\
- id: string, from
\ - owner: player/steamid or nil\
- pos: vector or nil - rendering position, used for delayed distance loading\
- stretch: bool = false (stretch to fill frame, or contain to maintain aspect)\
- shader: str = "VertexLitGeneric"\
- params: str = "{}" - A "table" of material parameters for CreateMaterial (NOT A TABLE, A STRING THAT CAN BE PARSED AS A TABLE)\
- pointsample: bool = false\
- nsfw: bool = false - (can be false, true, or "?")
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/cl_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
a weak table is like a table that has paper hands and keeps dropping key/value pairs
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/cl_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Like SanitizeImgurId, but more powerful (if a url to an gallery is passed we'll try to look it up)
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/sh_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Converts an imgur id or url to an imgur id (nil if it doesn't work)
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/sh_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Like AsyncSanitizeImgurId but won't spam requests (waits until the previous request finished, and only the latest request can stay in the queue)
file: lua/swamp/webmaterials/sh_webmaterials.lua (hidden)
Note: docs above are generated from luadoc-style code comments. is autogenerated from
COPYRIGHT: This repository and most of its content is copyrighted and owned by Swamp Servers. All other content is, to the best of our knowledge, used under license. If your copyrighted work is here without permission, please contact the email shown here. This repository DOES NOT license its contents to be used for other purposes, nor does its existence on GitHub imply such a license.
CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENT: This repository is solely for game assets/code used by Swamp Servers to operate our online games. By submitting your work to this repository (via commits/pull requests), you agree that we have a PERMANENT, IRREVOCABLE, WORLDWIDE, TRANSFERABLE LICENSE to use, modify, and distribute all of your submitted work as we see fit. By submitting work created by a third party, you attest that the creator of that work also agrees that we have a permanent, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable license to use, modify, and distribute their submitted work as we see fit. Do not submit work from a third party without their agreement to these terms. Note that work publicly available on sites like "Steam Workshop" may already be distributed under agreements conducive to this.