This is the handbook for the course "Attacks on Secure Implementations", taught in Ben-Gurion University by Dr. Yossi Oren.
To compile the book just run latexmk
Online course page:
More information:
- Install MikTex from: (with default settings). NOTE that although Tex Live is suposedly a decent alternative to MikTex on windows - attempts to use it for compiling the book failed miserably.
- Install Perl from:
- [Optional but Recommended] Install VSCode and the LaTeX Workshop extension to be able to compile from VSCode.
- [Optional but Recommended] Install the LaTex language support VSCode extension to ease editing in VSCode.
- From VSCode: open UniversityCourseBookAOI.tex, click on the "TEX" icon in the left sidebar, run the "Build LaTeX project" command.
- Without VSCode: run
from the root directory of the book repository