docs(Motion Presets): add motion presets documentation #8505
10 errors
Build Blade
Module '"~components/TopNav"' has no exported member 'TopNavActions'.
Build Blade
Module '"~components/TopNav"' has no exported member 'TopNavContent'.
Build Blade
Module '"~components/TopNav"' has no exported member 'TopNavBrand'.
Build Blade
'"~components/TopNav"' has no exported member named 'TabNavItems'. Did you mean 'TabNavItem'?
Build Blade
Type 'ForwardedRef<HTMLAnchorElement>' is not assignable to type 'never'.
Build Blade
Type '<S = unknown>(props: LinkProps<S> & RefAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>) => ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | null' is not assignable to type 'never'.
Build Blade
Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'never'.
Build Blade
This JSX tag's 'children' prop expects type 'never' which requires multiple children, but only a single child was provided.
Build Blade
This JSX tag's 'children' prop expects type 'never' which requires multiple children, but only a single child was provided.
Build Blade
Type '({ title: string; href: string; icon: IconComponent; } | { href: string; title: string; icon: IconComponent; description: string; })[]' is not assignable to type 'never'.