This is an Eclipse Project to create a plugin for Jaspersoft Studio that allows to create reports with data from an ElasticSearch cluster. This plugin has been used internally to allow some of our clients to migrate to ElasticSearch without loosing the reporting capabilities of Jasper Reports and their integration with Jaspersoft Server.
If you want to take the plugin for a spin you can install it without compiling it in Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.0 and later versions by adding the update site for this plugin:
Instructions on how to use the plugin can be found on our Official Blog.
The adapter can be used directly from a Java application that uses Jasper Reports.
Once you have cloned this project and opened it in Eclipse you will need another couple of pieces in your workspace.
From an installation of Jaspersoft Studio you will need to import as plug-in/fragments the following jars:
where x stands for whatever minor version your installation is.
Then you should follow the instructions on the ElasticSearchOSGI Repository to get yourself a org.elasticsearch.osgi-1.4.2-bundle.jar that you also need to import into your eclipse workspace.
Once you have all this pieces you're ready to compile the plugin and then you need to create a feature and an update site in Eclipse that will allow you to install the plugin in Jaspersoft Studio.
This software is released as is. We make no claim that it will do anything useful and it may potentially do harm to your self confidence. We will however keep an eye on the issues you open on GitHub and try an fix whatever it's broken.
We do offer professional services and support in case you need.