As we historically stacked with SQLX and PGX wasn't in its full glory, here's the collection of nullable structs for effective communication with database nulls and marshalling/unmarshalling from TS/JS
Each type must have Scan, Value, MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON method declared explicitly
Typical model
import (
nl ""
//go:generate go run ../generator-server/generator.go Cache hh_cache $GOFILE
//go:generate go run ../generator-front/generator.go Cache hh_cache $GOFILE
type Cache struct {
ID *int64 `json:"id" db:"cache_id"`
UserID *nl.NullInt64 `json:"userID,omitempty" db:"cache_user_id"`
Type *nl.NullString `json:"type,omitempty" db:"cache_type"`
TypeID *nl.NullInt64 `json:"typeID,omitempty" db:"cache_type_id"`
Status *nl.NullString `json:"status,omitempty" db:"cache_status"`
Priority *nl.NullInt64 `json:"priority,omitempty" db:"cache_priority"`
Data *nl.NullJSONText `json:"data,omitempty" db:"cache_data"`
Meta *nl.NullJSONText `json:"meta,omitempty" db:"cache_meta"`
EntryDate *nl.NullTime `json:"entryDate,omitempty" db:"cache_entry_date"`
EditDate *nl.NullTime `json:"editDate,omitempty" db:"cache_edit_date"`
RequestID string `json:"requestID,omitempty" hh:"ignore"`
} // @name Cache