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Website Structure and Construction

Ric Wright edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 1 revision

This document outlines the structure and operation of the website. It details how the use of markdown documents, coupled with jekyll produces a dynamically generated website. The primary goals of this structure is to enable hosting of the website on readium's github pages, which enables implicit backups (via github itself) as well as free hosting. Secondly, by using markdown in a clear strucuture, it makes it easy for any contributor to edit the files that make up the content of the website. No coding in HTML, no fiddling with CSS or PHP, just a clear structure and a series of content files written in markdown.

The basic principle of Jekyll is that the contentis written in plain text (tyically markdown) which is then transformed through one or more templates (layouts) and HTML/CSS is generated. It is that generated code that is then served via the website.

In many Jekyll-driven websites, there is a single folder named _posts where a series of dated markdown documents are placed. These are then fetched by the Jekyll engine and displayed as set of blog pages.

The use of Jekyll in is a little different. Almost all the files have the form depicted in this diagram of the About/FAQ page:

The content is in the file, written as markdown (actually Kramdown, dialect of markdown supported by Jekyll). That file specifies in its "frontmatter" that is to be laid out in the layout-template named page.html.

In turn, page.html has two sections:

  • the "breadcrumbs" section which enables the breadcrumb-style navigation
  • the main container which provides some basic styling and a content include directive where the transformed markdown will be placed.

page.html in turn, indicates in its frontmatter that it should be placed into the default.html layout template.

default.html has four include directives:

  • the head directive, where the normal HTML include files (CSS, etc.) are placed, from the include file head.html
  • the header directive, where the header section of HTML which is common to all the files in is to be inserted
  • the content directive section, where the contents of the generated page.html will be inserted
  • the footer directive, where the footer section of HTML which is common to all the pages in the site are inserted.

The home page is a little different. It has the same head, header and footer as the other pages, but it also has two content sections. It looks like this:

The first is a blob of straight HTML which displays the banner image overlaid with the "mission statement" of the Readium Foundation as well as two buttons, one of which takes users to the Chrome application download page and another which takes the user to the "Contributing" page on the website.

The other section is a simple for-loop which fetches the four most recent news items from the folder _pages/news/_posts.

Folder Structure of the Site

The basic folder struture of the site is

The key elements are:

  • config.yml: which is the config file for the Jekyll site
  • _includes: which are the various cross-site include files, such as header.html which comprises the all the menus
  • _layouts: which has all the Jekyll templates
  • _pages: which has a folder for each main menu-item and each folder has the markdown that comprises the actual page content
  • _site: which holds all the generated content for the whole site from which the website is served

Adding or Modifying Content on the Site

Adding or modifying content is pretty straightforward (which was one of the goals of the rewrite, after all).

Modifying Content

Any markdown file (with extension .md) can simply be edited, then pushed/committed to github and the website will be updated automatically.

Adding Content

If you want to add a new "page" there are two steps:

New Markdown/Webpage

Create the new markdown file in the menu/folder where you want the new page to appear. Note that you MUST add the appropriate "front matter" at the top of the file. The "front matter" MUST be of the form:

layout: page
permalink: "/<menu-folder>/<page-name>/"
title: Title of the New Page
excerpt: Your excerpt here, if any

where <menu-folder> is the menu-item where the new page will appear, e.g. About or Development and <page-name> is the name of the new page.

Add a New Item to the Menu

You need to edit the file header.html in the _layout folder. Find the appropriate spot in the HTML content and add an element like this:

<li class="leaf">
   <a href="/<menu-folder>/<page-name>/</a>                      

where the href is the permalink on the new page.

Then push/commit both the new page and the header.html file

News Items

Adding a new News item is pretty easy. Navigate to the _pages/News/_posts folder and create a new markdown document. Again, the frontmatter is pretty specific. It MUST be of the form

layout: post
title:  <news item title>
excerpt: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
 Duis fringilla nulla eu nunc elementum molestie. Quisque 
 porttitor arcu in lorem condimentum, at sagittis risus mattis.  
date:   2018-02-02 13:45:00 +0100
categories: news
permalink: /news/_posts/<news-item-name>/

where title is a good, clear descriptive title, typically 4 or 5 words. THe excerpt is what is going to be shown on the home page, so it should make it clear to the reader what the news item is about. It should be around a 150-200 characters. The date MUST be of the form shown above and MUST be the date when the news item is created. It MUST include the categories: news line. The permalink must point to the news/_posts folder with the name of the news item.

Other Files

The other files (layout, etc.) should not need to be edited except in very unusual circumstances.