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Rewrite mark rule using SwiftSyntax (#5408)
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swiftty authored Jan 9, 2024
1 parent f4fa852 commit 2f15f66
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Showing 3 changed files with 220 additions and 211 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,14 +29,16 @@
* `explicit_acl`
* `identifier_name`
* `let_var_whitespace`
* `mark`
* `multiline_literal_brackets`
* `nimble_operator`
* `opening_brace`
* `void_return`

[Marcelo Fabri](
[Marcelo Fabri](

* Print invalid keys when configuration parsing fails.
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312 changes: 102 additions & 210 deletions Source/SwiftLintBuiltInRules/Rules/Lint/MarkRule.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Foundation
import SourceKittenFramework
import SwiftSyntax

@SwiftSyntaxRule(explicitRewriter: true)
struct MarkRule: CorrectableRule {
var configuration = SeverityConfiguration<Self>(.warning)

Expand All @@ -9,239 +10,130 @@ struct MarkRule: CorrectableRule {
name: "Mark",
description: "MARK comment should be in valid format. e.g. '// MARK: ...' or '// MARK: - ...'",
kind: .lint,
nonTriggeringExamples: [
Example("// MARK: good"),
Example("// MARK: - good"),
Example("// MARK: -"),
Example("// BOOKMARK"),
Example("// BOOKMARKS"),
triggeringExamples: [
Example("↓//MARK: bad"),
Example("↓// MARK:bad"),
Example("↓// MARK: bad"),
Example("↓// MARK: bad"),
Example("↓// MARK: -bad"),
Example("↓// MARK:- bad"),
Example("↓// MARK:-bad"),
Example("↓//MARK: - bad"),
Example("↓//MARK:- bad"),
Example("↓//MARK: -bad"),
Example("↓//Mark: bad"),
Example("↓// Mark: bad"),
Example("↓// MARK bad"),
Example("↓//MARK bad"),
Example("↓// MARK - bad"),
Example("↓//MARK : bad"),
Example("↓// MARKL:"),
Example("↓// MARKR "),
Example("↓// MARKK -"),
Example("↓/// MARK:"),
Example("↓/// MARK bad"),
corrections: [
Example("↓//MARK: comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
Example("↓// MARK: comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
Example("↓// MARK:comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
Example("↓// MARK: comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
Example("↓//MARK: - comment"): Example("// MARK: - comment"),
Example("↓// MARK:- comment"): Example("// MARK: - comment"),
Example("↓// MARK: -comment"): Example("// MARK: - comment"),
Example("↓// MARK: - comment"): Example("// MARK: - comment"),
Example("↓// Mark: comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
Example("↓// Mark: - comment"): Example("// MARK: - comment"),
Example("↓// MARK - comment"): Example("// MARK: - comment"),
Example("↓// MARK : comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
Example("↓// MARKL:"): Example("// MARK:"),
Example("↓// MARKL: -"): Example("// MARK: -"),
Example("↓// MARKK "): Example("// MARK: "),
Example("↓// MARKK -"): Example("// MARK: -"),
Example("↓/// MARK:"): Example("// MARK:"),
Example("↓/// MARK comment"): Example("// MARK: comment"),
issue1029Example: issue1029Correction,
issue1749Example: issue1749Correction
nonTriggeringExamples: MarkRuleExamples.nonTriggeringExamples,
triggeringExamples: MarkRuleExamples.triggeringExamples,
corrections: MarkRuleExamples.corrections

private let spaceStartPattern = "(?:\(nonSpaceOrTwoOrMoreSpace)\(mark))"

private let endNonSpacePattern = "(?:\(mark)\(nonSpace))"
private let endTwoOrMoreSpacePattern = "(?:\(mark)\(twoOrMoreSpace))"

private let invalidEndSpacesPattern = "(?:\(mark)\(nonSpaceOrTwoOrMoreSpace))"

private let twoOrMoreSpacesAfterHyphenPattern = "(?:\(mark) -\(twoOrMoreSpace))"
private let nonSpaceOrNewlineAfterHyphenPattern = "(?:\(mark) -[^ \n])"

private let invalidSpacesAfterHyphenPattern = "(?:\(mark) -\(nonSpaceOrTwoOrMoreSpaceOrNewline))"

private let invalidLowercasePattern = "(?:// ?[Mm]ark:)"

private let missingColonPattern = "(?:// ?MARK[^:])"
// The below patterns more specifically describe some of the above pattern's failure cases for correction.
private let oneOrMoreSpacesBeforeColonPattern = "(?:// ?MARK +:)"
private let nonWhitespaceBeforeColonPattern = "(?:// ?MARK\\S+:)"
private let nonWhitespaceNorColonBeforeSpacesPattern = "(?:// ?MARK[^\\s:]* +)"
private let threeSlashesInsteadOfTwo = "/// MARK:?"

private var pattern: String {
return [
].joined(separator: "|")
private extension MarkRule {
final class Visitor: ViolationsSyntaxVisitor<ConfigurationType> {
override func visitPost(_ node: TokenSyntax) {
for result in node.violationResults() {

func validate(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [StyleViolation] {
return violationRanges(in: file, matching: pattern).map {
StyleViolation(ruleDescription: Self.description,
severity: configuration.severity,
location: Location(file: file, characterOffset: $0.location))
final class Rewriter: ViolationsSyntaxRewriter {
override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) -> TokenSyntax {
var pieces = token.leadingTrivia.pieces
for result in token.violationResults() {
// caution: `correctionPositions` records the positions before the mutations.
return super.visit(token.with(\.leadingTrivia, Trivia(pieces: pieces)))

func correct(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [Correction] {
var result = [Correction]()
private struct ViolationResult {
let position: AbsolutePosition
let correct: (inout [TriviaPiece]) -> Void

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: spaceStartPattern,
replaceString: "// MARK:"))
private extension TokenSyntax {
private enum Mark {
static func lint(in text: String) -> [() -> String] {
let range = NSRange(text.startIndex..<text.endIndex, in: text)
return regex(badPattern).matches(in: text, options: [], range: range).compactMap { match in
isIgnoredCases(text, range: range) ? nil : {
var corrected = replace(text, range: match.range(at: 2), to: "- ")
corrected = replace(corrected, range: match.range(at: 1), to: "// MARK: ")
if !text.hasSuffix(" "), corrected.hasSuffix(" ") {
return corrected

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: endNonSpacePattern,
replaceString: "// MARK: ",
keepLastChar: true))
private static func isIgnoredCases(_ text: String, range: NSRange) -> Bool {
regex(goodPattern).firstMatch(in: text, range: range) != nil

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: endTwoOrMoreSpacePattern,
replaceString: "// MARK: "))
private static let goodPattern = [
"^// MARK: \(oneOrMoreHyphen) \(anyText)$",
"^// MARK: \(oneOrMoreHyphen) ?$",
"^// MARK: \(nonSpaceOrHyphen)+ ?\(anyText)?$",
"^// MARK:$",

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: twoOrMoreSpacesAfterHyphenPattern,
replaceString: "// MARK: - "))
// comment start with `Mark ...` is ignored
"^\(twoOrThreeSlashes) +[Mm]ark[^:]"
].map(nonCapturingGroup).joined(separator: "|")

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: nonSpaceOrNewlineAfterHyphenPattern,
replaceString: "// MARK: - ",
keepLastChar: true))
private static let badPattern = capturingGroup([
].map(basePattern).joined(separator: "|")) + capturingGroup(hyphenOrEmpty)

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: oneOrMoreSpacesBeforeColonPattern,
replaceString: "// MARK:",
keepLastChar: false))
private static let anySpace = " *"
private static let nonSpaceOrTwoOrMoreSpace = "(?: {2,})?"

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: nonWhitespaceBeforeColonPattern,
replaceString: "// MARK:",
keepLastChar: false))
private static let anyText = "(?:\\S.*)"

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: nonWhitespaceNorColonBeforeSpacesPattern,
replaceString: "// MARK: ",
keepLastChar: false))
private static let oneOrMoreHyphen = "-+"
private static let nonSpaceOrHyphen = "[^ -]"

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: invalidLowercasePattern,
replaceString: "// MARK:"))
private static let twoOrThreeSlashes = "///?"
private static let colonOrEmpty = ":?"
private static let hyphenOrEmpty = "-? *"

result.append(contentsOf: correct(file: file,
pattern: threeSlashesInsteadOfTwo,
replaceString: "// MARK:"))
private static func nonCapturingGroup(_ pattern: String) -> String {

return result.unique
private static func capturingGroup(_ pattern: String) -> String {

private func correct(file: SwiftLintFile,
pattern: String,
replaceString: String,
keepLastChar: Bool = false) -> [Correction] {
let violations = violationRanges(in: file, matching: pattern)
let matches = file.ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: violations, for: self)
if matches.isEmpty { return [] }

var nsstring = file.contents.bridge()
let description = Self.description
var corrections = [Correction]()
for var range in matches.reversed() {
if keepLastChar {
range.length -= 1
private static func basePattern(_ pattern: String) -> String {

private static func replace(_ target: String, range nsrange: NSRange, to replaceString: String) -> String {
guard nsrange.length > 0, let range = Range(nsrange, in: target) else {
return target
let location = Location(file: file, characterOffset: range.location)
nsstring = nsstring.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: replaceString).bridge()
corrections.append(Correction(ruleDescription: description, location: location))
return target.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: replaceString)
return corrections

private func violationRanges(in file: SwiftLintFile, matching pattern: String) -> [NSRange] {
return file.rangesAndTokens(matching: pattern).filter { matchRange, syntaxTokens in
let syntaxToken = syntaxTokens.first,
let syntaxKind = syntaxToken.kind,
case let tokenLocation = Location(file: file, byteOffset: syntaxToken.offset),
case let matchLocation = Location(file: file, characterOffset: matchRange.location),
// Skip MARKs that are part of a multiline comment
tokenLocation.line == matchLocation.line
else {
return false
func violationResults() -> [ViolationResult] {
var utf8Offset = 0
var results: [ViolationResult] = []

for index in leadingTrivia.pieces.indices {
let piece = leadingTrivia.pieces[index]
defer { utf8Offset += piece.sourceLength.utf8Length }

switch piece {
case .lineComment(let comment), .docLineComment(let comment):
for correct in Mark.lint(in: comment) {
let position = position.advanced(by: utf8Offset)
results.append(ViolationResult(position: position) { pieces in
pieces[index] = .lineComment(correct())

return true
}.compactMap { range, syntaxTokens in
let byteRange = ByteRange(location: syntaxTokens[0].offset, length: 0)
let identifierRange = file.stringView.byteRangeToNSRange(byteRange)
return { NSUnionRange($0, range) }

private let issue1029Example = Example("""
↓//MARK:- Top-Level bad mark
↓//MARK:- Another bad mark
struct MarkTest {}
↓// MARK:- Bad mark
extension MarkTest {}

private let issue1029Correction = Example("""
// MARK: - Top-Level bad mark
// MARK: - Another bad mark
struct MarkTest {}
// MARK: - Bad mark
extension MarkTest {}

private let issue1749Example = Example(
func test1() {
//MARK: mark
func test2() {
return results

// This example should not trigger changes
private let issue1749Correction = issue1749Example

// These need to be at the bottom of the file to work around

private let nonSpace = "[^ ]"
private let twoOrMoreSpace = " {2,}"
private let mark = "MARK:"
private let nonSpaceOrTwoOrMoreSpace = "(?:\(nonSpace)|\(twoOrMoreSpace))"

private let nonSpaceOrTwoOrMoreSpaceOrNewline = "(?:[^ \n]|\(twoOrMoreSpace))"

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