A repository of HTML Patterns and their supporting files.
These are the files which may be in a single HTML pattern's directory. This imaginary pattern is called example-pattern
Each single pattern folder must contain a pattern.yml
This file contains paths to find supporting files, meta data, and dummy data to populate the pattern for testing purposes.
name: Figure Image
description: A `figure` element with `figcaption` and an included `img` element from /base/img/img.html.
html: ./figure-image.html
sass: ./sass/_figure-image.scss
script: ./figure-image.js
category: components
foo: bar
src: http://placehold.it/350x150&text=figure--image
alt: Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
class: figure--image
text: Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cumo sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
class: base--figure-image
Each single pattern folder must contain a [pattern-name].html
(example-pattern.html) file. These files should not contain actual text, data, images, etc. Instead, patterns use curly-braces as data placeholders.
Typical bower.json file. Will contain dependencies for other patterns/scripts/etc as needed
Should include usage examples
A twig/swig-style template containing html, data-placeholders with curly braces, import-code for other patterns
A pattern's js file.
A SASS file. NOTE: do not prefix this file with an underscore or it will be ignored when import-conversion happens.
Following the North Standards, this file includes imported files for SASS partials:
- ./sass/partials/_extends.scss
- ./sass/partials/_mixins.scss
- ./sass/partials/_variables.scss
A unit-test file for the pattern.
Submit a pull request to this repo. Do not submit pull requests to the subtree, read-only versions of these patterns.