IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology - Indicative maps L3 - export to GitHub and Mapbox repositories for inclusion in the website
We have maps created in Grass GIS, but also some created in Katana using GDAL and OGR tools, R scripts or EarthEngine scripts. There are different map version for each functional group, some of these maps have been uploaded in mapbox or in the global-ecosystems repository as topojson files.
Check the list of tilesets in our mapbox account on https://studio.mapbox.com/tilesets/
source $HOME/proyectos/IUCN-GET/GET-IM-xport-web/env/project-env.sh
Let's check all these repos to get alllllll... versions of the maps.
rsync -gloptrunv $HOME/tmp/GET-indicative-maps-GIS/output-GeoTiff/*tif $GTIFDIR
rsync -gloptrunv $HOME/tmp/GET-indicative-maps/output-rasters/geotiff/*tif $GTIFDIR
rsync -gloptrunv $HOME/tmp/GET-IM-xport-zenodo/output-rasters/geotiff/*tif $GTIFDIR
rsync -gloptrunv $zID@kdm.restech.unsw.edu.au:/srv/scratch/z3529065/tmp/GET-indicative-maps-GIS/output-GeoTiff/*tif $GTIFDIR
Also get those already prepared for mapbox
rsync -gloptrunv $HOME/tmp/GET-indicative-maps/output-rasters/mapbox/*tif $PSMDIR
rsync -gloptrunv $HOME/tmp/GET-indicative-maps/output-rasters/mapbox/*mbtiles $MBXDIR
Check results:
tree output-rasters/
Do the same for json files
rsync -gloptrunv $HOME/tmp/GET-indicative-maps/output-hl-json/*json $HGLDIR
Check results:
tree output-vectors/
First create a list of all maps to process:
psql -At -h $DBHOST -d $DBNAME -U $DBUSER -c "SELECT code, map_code, map_version, map_type, status FROM map_metadata WHERE status='valid' ORDER BY map_type,code " > raster-maps.list
Recommendations from https://docs.mapbox.com/help/troubleshooting/uploads/#tiff-uploads :
- Reproject to Web Mercator EPSG:3857.
- Set blocksize to 256x256.
- If compression is needed, use LZW.
- Remove Alpha band, if applicable.
- Only 8 bit TIFFs are supported
We use this script to reproject a selection of maps:
grep $EFG raster-maps.list > slc.maps
$SCRIPTDIR/inc/bash/geotiff-reprojection-for-mapbox.sh slc.maps $GTIFDIR $PSMDIR
$SCRIPTDIR/inc/bash/geotiff-reprojection-for-mapbox.sh raster-maps.list $GTIFDIR $PSMDIR
#nohup $SCRIPTDIR/inc/bash/geotiff-reprojection-for-mapbox.sh slc.maps > nohup-geotiff-reproject-${EFG}.out &
First create the highlight buffer in the pseudomercator projection:
conda deactivate
rm -r $GISDATA/tmploc
grep $EFG raster-maps.list > slc.maps
grass -c $PSMDIR/MFT1.2.WM.nwx_v1.0.tif $GISDATA/tmploc --exec bash $SCRIPTDIR/inc/bash/create-highlight-buffer.sh slc.maps $PSMDIR $HGLDIR
This script will perform several steps to prepare maps for mapbox:
- Use highlight buffer to crop maps
- Add a color table using
- Translate to MBTiles format (smaller file size, optimal for zoom level 6)
- Add overviews with
as suggested here
conda deactivate
grep $EFG raster-maps.list > slc.maps
$SCRIPTDIR/inc/bash/geotiff-crop-and-translate-for-mapbox.sh slc.maps $PSMDIR $HGLDIR $MBXDIR
It is possible to upload using the MBTILES format, or the larger GeoTIFF files. In the tileset overview page in mapbox studio, the MBTILES appear as green bars representing the tiled area with a precision of 10m, but this does not make sense, since the original resolution is larger that 1km. The uploaded GeoTIFF files show up as full gray bars but this mean the precision is 'free', and free is always good, isn't it?
Rscript --vanilla $SCRIPTDIR/inc/R/upload-map-to-mapbox.R $MBXDIR slc.maps
To use the highlight buffer in the website, we need to reproject to plate carré and simplify, something like this...
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -s_srs "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs" -t_srs EPSG:4326 $OUTDIR/prueba_ll.json $INPUTMAP
geo2topo -q 1e5 -o $OUTDIR/prueba-topo.json $OUTDIR/prueba_ll.json
This has to be copied to the repository:
mv $OUTDIR/prueba-topo.json $OUTPUTMAP