Use VPN for a Secure Connection
- Contact TAs for login help and server list etc.
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages <env_name>
: to include pre-installed packages from the current python installation.--no-site-packages
: don’t include pre-installed packages from the current python installation. (default)
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tweepy
- Install packages needed for your project ...
- To start a screen named ce510
tmux new -t ce510
- To detach from a screen hit Ctrl+b then hit d
- To list active screens
tmux ls
ortmux list-sessions
- To reattach to a screen
tmux attach -t ce510
- To start a screen named ce510
screen -S ce510
- To detach from a screen hit Ctrl+a then hit d
- To list active screens
screen -ls
- To reattach to a screen
screen -r ce510