This script record your audio passively and later then you can listen or export the last n seconds
You can choose to use either the GUI or CLI interface
Please download the latest release
- Install Python 3.9 on your machine
- Clone the repository to your local disk
- Run the following command to install dependencies
pip requirements.txt
python [-h] -a {record,listen,export} [-d DURATION] -o OUTPUT_DIR [-ef EXPORT_FILE_PATH]
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a {record,listen,export}, --action {record,listen,export}
the action to be performed
-d DURATION, --duration DURATION
the duration to be kept recorded in seconds
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the path to the directory where recording are kept
-ef EXPORT_FILE_PATH, --export-file-path EXPORT_FILE_PATH
the path to the file where the recording will be exported
- Install Python 3.9 on your machine
- Clone the repository to your local disk
- Run the following command to install dependencies
pip requirements.txt
Build Command generated using auto-py-to-exe package
pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --windowed --icon "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/assets/icon.ico" --name "Backup Audio Recorder" --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/gui.ui;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/threads;threads/" --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/assets/icon.ico;." --add-data "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/;." "D:/Scripts/backup_audio_recorder/"
This project is LGPL-2.1 licensed.