A Spring Boot server with Rest Api that alow users to communicate ( Text, Viedo, Audio, File) privatly or in groups
- Creating Database using ORM Hibernate
- Creating REST API using Spring Boot
- Creating Upload Service in the server
- Learned MongoDB and using it in storing files
- Creating Messaging system and design a suitable database
- Download the release file
- Make sure you have oracle jre v 8 or higher
- Install xampp or wampp
- Add this user to your database and grant it all the permissions username =spring password =kxYZUvyh7AeCWrNf
- Create databaseit and name chatapp_db
- Install mongodb
- type in command line or terminal ` java -jar .jar
- To use it :
- Use Chat Client https://github.com/redayoub47/javafx_chat_client OR
- Use its REST API