This project allows you to deploy your own personal hubot to azure with slack integration already configured. The 'Deploy to Azure will create a web App to host hubot and a storage account where hubot's brain will be persisted.
Its important that your fork this repository before clicking the 'Deploy to Azure' button, so that the web app is linked to your repository and you can add additional hubot scripts.
Once you have fork this repository, click the 'Deploy to Azure' button below
Below are the parameters that the template expects
Name | Type | Description |
hostingPlanName | string | The name of the app service plan to use for hosting the web app |
location | string |
The location to use for creating the web app, hosting plan and storage account NOTE: Unfortunately the latest version of storage accounts are not avaliable in the Australian data centres yet.
<td>sku </td>
The pricing tier for the hosting plan
The instance size of the hosting plan
Enable or disable always on. If you choose free or shared for the sku, this should be set to false as it is not supported
<td>The name of the storage account that will host hubot's brain</td>
The type of storage account
<li>Standard_LRS = Locally-redundant storage</li>
<li>Standard_GRS = Geo-redundant storage</li>
<li>Standard_ZRS = Zone-redundant storage</li>
<td>The hubot API token from Slack. <br/><br/>To configure hubot integration go to [your-slack], give your hubot a name, click 'Add hubot integration and enter the generated API Token here.</td>
NOTE: <name-of-your-hubot>
is the hubot name you configured in the slack integration
Once deployment is complete, you should be able to access https://<name-of-your-site><name-of-your-hubot>/help
and see the list of commands available in Hubot.
In you slack channel you should also be able to <name-of-your-hubot> help
to also see the list of available commands (for example hutbot help
See for instructions on adding additional script.
Unfortunately Slingshot (the project that implements the Deploy To Azure button) does not currently support continuous deployment (see projectkudu/slingshot#21). This means that changes to your repository are not automatically deployed.
Instead, once you have pushed your changes to your repository, you have to manually sync via the portal. If you go the web app blade, you will see a 'deployment' tile. Clicking on this will bring up a new blade with a 'Sync' button. Clicking on the 'Sync' button will pull the latest changes from your repository. When complete, click 'Restart' to restart your web app to see the new scripts.