test 1410
Written by Loovee, distributed under LGPL, for more information, please visit http://www.seeedstudio.com
This library is written for manage Xadow, include :
- user led
- charge state read
- battery voltage read
- sleep mode operation
you can use the folowing function, it's useful in some way.
void init();
float getBatVol();
unsigned char getChrgState();
it'll return the folowing value:
#define NOCHARGE 0
#define CHARGING 1
#define CHARGDONE 2
there'are two user led that you can use, a green one and a read one.
void greenLed(unsigned char state); // green Led drive
void redLed(unsigned char state); // red led drive
about the input value, you can use:
#define LEDON 1 // led on
#define LEDOFF 2 // led off
#define LEDCHG 3 // change led state
of curse, sometimes you want your xadow goto sleep to save some power, then you can use this function:
void pwrDown(unsigned long tSleep); // power down, tSleep ms
it'll let your xadow goto sleep for sSleep ms, then it'll wake, you shourld use the folowing function to awake it:
void wakeUp(); // wake up
there'are some application here, for more applicaton you can refer to examples
#include <Wire.h>
#include "xadow.h"
void setup()
// while(!Serial);
cout << "init over" << endl;
void loop()
cout << "begin to sleep for 1s" << endl;
Xadow.pwrDown(1000); // sleep for 1000ms
Xadow.wakeUp(); // wake up
cout << "wake up" << endl;
delay(500); // delay 500 ms
#include <Wire.h>
#include "xadow.h"
void setup()
cout << "init over" << endl;
void loop()
cout << "vol: " << Xadow.getBatVol() << endl;
#include <Wire.h>
#include "xadow.h"
void setup()
void loop()
Xadow.greenLed(LEDON); // green led on
Xadow.redLed(LEDOFF); // red led off
Xadow.redLed(LEDON); // red led on
Xadow.greenLed(LEDOFF); // green led off
anymore problem, please send me a email: [email protected]