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RoboSherlock components for Refills

This package implements query-answering based perception for the refills scenario; It modifies the default query interface of RoboSherlock to handle perception tasks that last longer using the scan keyword;


  • robosherlock
  • rs_kbreasoning

Running(launch file comming soon):

roslaunch rs_refills rs_refills_with_json_prolog.launch

Launches RoboSherlock node and json prolog;


Query language description

Key Description Values
type The type of object you want to detect [shelf, KnowRob object class]
location the semantic location you want to perform the perception task at [shelf_system_0, shelf_system_1, ...]
command the command that you watn to send (useful for asynch perception tasks that take longer to execut and need starting and stopping start - start the task
stop - stop the task
pose_stamped pose of separator as in: "pose_stamped":{"header":{"frame_id":"map"},"pose":{"position":{"x":-0.96,"y":0.42,"z":1.41},"orientation":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0,"w":1.0}}}
shelf_type specify the shelf_type: hanging or standing (important for counting)

Query examples

Start scanning a shelf_system for shelves:

rosservice call /RoboSherlock_presentation/json_query "query: '{\"scan\":{\"type\":\"shelf\",\"command\":\"start\", "location\":\"shelf_system_1\"}}'"

Returns empty string

Stop scanning:

rosservice call /RoboSherlock_presentation/json_query "query: '{\"scan\":{\"type\":\"shelf\",\"command\":\"stop\", \"location\":\"shelf_system_1\"}}'"

Returns a vector of object descritions. Each object description is a json string, e.g.:


Count an object

                     "pose"  :{"position":{"x":0.65,"y":-0.57,"z":0.58}

Right now it will return a vector of size equal to the number of objects it has found. Empty vector otherwise. Will be extended to perform a check for the correct object.


RoboSherlock components for Refills






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