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Releases: reload/dpl-design-system
Releases · reload/dpl-design-system
- b02cf7d: Add FacetBrowser + .modal--no-padding + make disclosure icon optional (kasperbirch1) #153
- 9b35a07: Make FacetBrowserTag to its own component + change the name to FacetTag (kasperbirch1) #153
- 0d15a66: Add classNames to Disclosure + small BEM correction (kasperbirch1) #153
- c92d61a: Remove FacetTag + Rewrite Tag + Use Disclosure fullWidth (kasperbirch1) #153
- 4af0f8f: Modal small BEM correction + Fix Backdrop (kasperbirch1) #153
- dd46c41: FacetBrowser BEM corrections and use of variables and margin/padding (kasperbirch1) #153
- 1a1bd05: Use Disclosure removeHeadlinePadding prop instead of descendant selector (kasperbirch1) #153
- 028a881: Fixing css class name after modal css is changed (kasperbirch1) #153
- user info component added #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#99 (Sine Jespersen)
- add icon button #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- add list header alignment #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- lint #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- add alt text to button #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- style button as link #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#103 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide label modifier to checkbox #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hidden label example #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- 1da7022: build fails (Sine Jespersen) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104
- add !optional #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- created fixed buttons in bottom of page #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- possible fix to spacing #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- remove forgotten padding #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- e84f0cf: Change name from SeriesLine to HorizontalTermLine (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#105
- f2a26af: Change css for material-description width (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#105
- 523f2d6: Reconstruct HorizontalTermLines (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#105
- e9268d0: Change css flex wrap for horizontal-term-line (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#106
- use the selected color [danskernesdigitalebibliotek#153](
- add alt text to button #153,#11,#154,#155,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- style button as link #153,#11,#154,#155,#103 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide label modifier to checkbox #153,#11,#154,#155,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hidden label example #153,#11,#154,#155,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- 1da7022: build fails (Sine Jespersen) #153,#11,#154,#155,#104
- add !optional #153,#11,#154,#155,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- created fixed buttons in bottom of page #153,#11,#154,#155,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- possible fix to spacing #153,#11,#154,#155,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- remove forgotten padding #153,#11,#154,#155,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- e84f0cf: Change name from SeriesLine to HorizontalTermLine (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#105
- f2a26af: Change css for material-description width (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#105
- 523f2d6: Reconstruct HorizontalTermLines (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#105
- e9268d0: Change css flex wrap for horizontal-term-line (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#106
- use the selected color #153,#11,#154,#155,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- use h2 for header #153,#11,#154,#155,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- set overflow scroll on modal loan container #153,#11,#154,#155,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- set top on modal and remove background color #153,#11,#154,#155,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- modal-show display fixed #153,#11,#154,#155,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide on mobile to buttons #153,#11,#154,#155,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- added css fixes #153,#11,#154,#155,[danskernesdigitalebibliotek#107](...
- validation on checkbox #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#97 (Sine Jespersen)
- user info component added #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#99 (Sine Jespersen)
- add icon button #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- add list header alignment #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- lint #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- add alt text to button #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- style button as link #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#103 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide label modifier to checkbox #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hidden label example #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- 1da7022: build fails (Sine Jespersen) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104
- add !optional #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- created fixed buttons in bottom of page #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- possible fix to spacing #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- remove forgotten padding #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- e84f0cf: Change name from SeriesLine to HorizontalTermLine (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#105
- f2a26af: Change css for material-description width (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,#105
- 523f2d6: Reconstruct HorizontalTermLines (kasperbirch1) #153,#11,#154,#155,#156,[danskernesdigitalebibliotek#105](
- 6355191: Add Search Result Page and its sub components. (kasperbirch1) #146,#148,#11,#92
- 7121ece: Remove unnecessary console.log (kasperbirch1) #146,#148,#11,#92
- 4d6ee35: Reverting some of the deployment action cmds (Mikkel Jakobsen) #146,#148,#11,#93
- faa0454: Introduce disclosure folder with empty files inside (Adam Antal) #146,#148,#11,#86
- 0823511: Import disclosure scss into the base scss and add basic functionality (Adam Antal) #146,#148,#11,#86
- 887b6ab: Add the .noselect shared utility class to the shared scss (Adam Antal) #146,#148,#11,#86
- 57d7359: Add real functionality and styling to the disclosure component (Adam Antal) #146,#148,#11,#86
- 8834d1f: Add an empty line at the end of the shared scss file (Adam Antal) #146,#148,#11,#86
- fd5441f: Fixing lint after new rules have been added (Mikkel Jakobsen) #146,#148,#11,#86
- 07a595e: Use css variables instead of hardcoded values (kasperbirch1) #146,#148,#11,#92
- 38bfb8d: Fixing more eslint errors$ (Mikkel Jakobsen) #146,#148,#11,#86
- 6ae05fb: add background color to .modal-btn-close (Sine Jespersen) #146,#148,#11,#68
- 6ecdb0b: add modal screen reader description styling (Sine Jespersen) #146,#148,#11,#68
- 59eb299: added styling and example in modalloan (Sine Jespersen) #146,#148,#11,#68
- 4e2e258: bemified scss (Sine Jespersen) #146,#148,#11,#68
- a2ac6cf: modals described by (Sine Jespersen) #146,#148,#11,#68
- add toggle button and reservation component #146,#148,#11,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- removed traces of old structure #146,#148,#11,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- rename and css import #146,#148,#11,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- remove unused prop #146,#148,#11,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- reservation header added #146,#148,#11,#95 (Sine Jespersen)
- moved toggle button, added controlled inputs #146,#148,#11,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- add figma and controlled inputs #146,#148,#11,#95 (Sine Jespersen)
- empty list added #146,#148,#11,#96 (Sine Jespersen)
- validation on checkbox #146,#148,#11,#97 (Sine Jespersen)
- user...